New Jersey Launches Innovative IRS Direct File Program

The Program Provides Residents With a Free, Easy, and Secure Way to File Taxes Online

Today, Governor Phil Murphy announced that New Jerseyans can now start using IRS Direct File for the 2025 tax filing season. The online tax filing tool, which is available to New Jerseyans for the first time, offers live chat support and provides taxpayers with a free, easy, and secure way to file their federal and state individual tax returns – it is estimated that more than one million New Jerseyans will be eligible to use Direct File.

New Jerseyans may qualify to use IRS Direct File this tax season if they have lived in New Jersey for all of 2024, earned all of their 2024 income in New Jersey, and plan to use the same filing status for both their federal and state income tax returns. Residents can find out if they are eligible at

“IRS Direct File will ease the strenuous tax filing process and give New Jerseyans an opportunity to save hundreds of dollars this tax season,” said Governor Murphy. “This is a free, convenient online tool for residents to file directly with the government in a secure way they can trust. I commend the Department of Treasury and the Office of Innovation for their partnership in developing this program.”

“Direct File is a huge improvement in the way that residents file their taxes, saving them time and tax filing fees,” said New Jersey Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio. “This resource will make a difference in the lives of New Jerseyans, empowering them to file their taxes themselves, and leading to money saved.”

Governor Murphy had previously announced the State’s participation in the federal program and, as a result of an innovative collaboration between the Department of the Treasury, the Office of Innovation, and Code for America, New Jerseyans will now be able to use an interactive, plain language tool to file their State taxes in addition to their federal taxes.

“New Jerseyans now have a free and accessible website to confidently and securely file their tax returns,” said Dave Cole, New Jersey State Chief Innovation Officer. “We worked with residents and tax experts to design this step-by-step form. Eligible residents who use this tool will be automatically enrolled in money-saving tax credits, like the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. We thank our partners at the New Jersey Division of Taxation, Code for America, the United States Digital Service, and the Internal Revenue Service for their dedication and hard work in delivering this new service.”

IRS Direct File will be available in English and Spanish, and works on mobile devices, tablets, and personal computers. The tool also offers dedicated live chat support to answer questions that tax filers may have.

The IRS Direct File pilot program was initiated successfully in 12 states last year, with 140,000 taxpayers claiming more than $90 million in refunds and saving an estimated $5.6 million in filing fees. This season, the IRS announced that Direct File would be open to other states.

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