New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says he is Sheltering a Migrant in His Home; Tells Feds “Good Luck”

In an interview the weekend, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy revealed that he and his wife are sheltering a migrant in his house, while admitting that the person’s immigration status “is not yet at the point that they are trying to get it to.”

“I don’t want to get into too much detail, but there is someone in our broader universe whose immigration status is not yet at the point that they are trying to get it to. And we said, you know what? Let’s have her live at our house above our garage,” the term-limited governor said while talking with Blue Wave New Jersey, a progressive grassroots organization.

“And good luck to the feds coming in to try to get her,” Murphy went on, possibly hinting that the person may be an illegal immigrant.

Although Murphy did not reveal the actual legal status of the person, it should be noted that noncitizens, such as green card holders, are authorized to be in the country.

However, ICE can still detain people who might have temporary immigration status.

During an interview last December, Tom Holman, Trump’s border czar, said that anyone who is knowingly harboring undocumented immigrants from ICE is a “violation of the law.”

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  1. Can’t wait until they arrest him for felony harboring of illegal aliens. This isn’t compassion, it’s a felony and a publicity stunt. He needs to be locked up.

      • Jews in Germany would have been happy to be deported!
        They were being rounded up for the gas chambers

        Today in the USA many of the illegals are violent criminals. If the governor did it out of righteousness, he wouldn’t have bragged about it. He would have done it quietly knowing that in general it’s a very BAD IDEA TO ALLOW PEOPLE POURING INTO A COUNTRY. (If anyone doesn’t understand this, they shouldn’t be involved in any serious adult conversation)

      • People can debate the merit of harboring illegal immigrants, but the harboring of the jews has no relevance to this discussion.
        The jews in Europe, who were being hunted down like prey by the Nazis, were natives and legal citizens of their respective countries, and they were facing certain execution by the Nazi killing machine. The Jews who arrived in the US after losing their families and homes to the enemy, came here legally. One of the few exceptions was the German liner, the St. Louis, filled with jewish passengers fleeing for their dear life, which was refused entry by Cuba and the US, and which ultimately was forced back to Europe, where the 937 passengers, almost all of them jews, were ultimately murdered in cold blood by the Nazi executioners. When the ship was sailing off the coast of Florida, some of the passengers cabled Franklin D. Roosevelt and asked him for refuge, but the Democrat icon never responded to their pleas, which, of course, was par for the (Franklin D. Roosevelt) course. We can debate the merit of harboring illegals, but the harboring of the jews has no connection whatsoever to this discussion.

  2. If he is sheltering a migrant , that one thing but if he is sheltering an illegal immigrant that breaking the law , if my memory serves me right I remember so many politicians saying no one is above the law.

  3. In other news, Governor admits to engaging in human trafficking, possibly violating labor laws as well.

    This Governor has mocked constitutional protections in the past while violating said freedoms.

  4. Hey Murphy. Did you ever tell your fellow Demos in Newark where in Monmouth County you live ? You always say your from Monmouth County. It’s not like you live in Asbury Park. No no. You live in the well to do Navesink River Road area of Middletown. Shouldn’t suprise anyone that you have an immigrant keeping your estate spread upkept.

  5. Controlling immigration is one of the very few legitimate functions of the Federal government.

    Illegal immigrants STOLE the opportunity to come to this country from better qualified law-abiding applicants.

    *No one is above the law.*

  6. Lets not rehash the past. Some historical events made people stronger and played a large role in people becoming more humanitarian towards others. The immigrants targeted are the ones who have no ID. They are not documented. You could be employing someone who came here to hide from the law. The cartel managed to smuggle over 100,000 illegals to NYC. Is that something you want? America is already overpopulated enough. We can not keep our arms open forever.

  7. I think we are all forgetting that Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky
    זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה
    he Paskened for the members of his Shul in Monsey that it is not advisable to come to Shul Shabbos morning with a Tallis on top of your jacket or coat.
    We are still in Galus. We can’t forget that.
    Some of the comments above are not a good idea according to Reb Yaakov.

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