New Jersey Dept of Homeland Security Monitoring After Explosion in Nashville, Tennessee [VIDEO]

The New Jersey Department of Homeland Security and Preparedness says it is monitoring an explosion that occurred early this morning in Nashville, Tennessee.

While the details surrounding the incident are still being uncovered, it appears that a vehicle loaded with explosives was detonated in downtown Nashville before 6 AM today. The explosion injured 3 individuals, including at least one police officer, and several buildings in the area suffered structural damage. In an odd twist, loudspeakers installed on the vehicle warned individuals near it to evacuate the area before the explosion occurred. Police are not yet sure if someone was in the vehicle when it exploded, in which case the explosion may have been a suicidal act from a disturbed individual.

The FBI and ATF has taken over the investigation into the incident, and no suspects are currently in custody. K-9’s are currently sweeping the downtown Nashville area and FBI agents are running leads throughout the city in search of suspects.

The NJ DHS says that while they are “monitoring the explosion in Nashville with State, local, and federal law enforcement partners,” but added that “at this time, there are no credible threats to New Jersey as it relates to this incident.”

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  1. Cuomo just announced a ban on flights from Nashville.. anyone arriving from Tennessee must quarantine for 60 days or until proven to be mentally stable

    Murphy considering similar measures just to prove he’s at least the second smartest Democratic governor

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