Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won the New Hampshire primary tonight, adding to a first-place finish in last week’s Iowa caucuses and establishing himself as the man to beat for the Republican presidential nomination. Texas Rep. Ron Paul led former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman for second place, with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum trailing.
Returns from the first 13 percent of the state’s precincts showed Romney with 36 percent of the vote, followed by Paul with 24 percent and Huntsman with 18 percent.
Former House Speaker Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen. Santorum had 10 percent and 9 percent respectively.
Romney battled not only his rivals but also high expectations as the ballots were counted, particularly since his pursuers had virtually conceded New Hampshire and were already pointing to the South Carolina primary on Jan. 21 as the place to block his rise.
Seeking to undercut Romney’s victory, Gingrich and others sere suggesting that anything below 40 percent or so would indicate weakness by the nomination front-runner.
They didn’t mention that Sen. John McCain’s winning percentage in the 2008 primary was 37 percent.
Huntsman, in particular, staked his candidacy on a strong showing in New Hampshire. Santorum said second place “would be a dream come true.” More in Star Ledger.
Mitt Romney well its begining to play out just as I thought ,although Ilike Gingrich for his knowledge and his stance on many of the National issues I believe Romney will be our next President which I welcome after the disaster we now have in Washington for those who voted for Hope & Change with Obama we have seen little hope and the wrong kind of change
As I’ve stated before, I am very concerned that Ron Paul is picking up momentum to be the Romeny challenger. And as I’ve stated before, the Republican conservative base does not like Romney.
I’m sorry to be a stick in the mud, but it now seems more and more likely that Ron Paul will become the candidate, and he WILL beat Obama as well.
Scary days ahead of us.
Unless an alternative conservative challenger to Romney rises quickly.
Rabbosai, open your eyes.
Romney will the nomination by default, but he will lose in the general election for he will fail to connect with most of America.
Paul has some momentum now but is electable. I dont think he will get the nomonation but even if he does, he stands no chance against Obama’s war chest. Then Chris Christie 2016!
It’s all up in the air.
YID – you are right on. i agree 100%
Ron paul has no shot. Have you checked his record? Over 600 bills and only ONE pass! If hes president, neither the democrats nor republicans will allow him to get anything done!
On another note, Romney has the nomination locked down.
trippy –
Unfortunately, Ron Paul has a very good shot. It’s not wise bury your head in the sand.
It is true that the establishment doesn’t want Ron Paul. They also don’t want anyone else other than Romney. And the Republican conservative base would love nothing more than sticking it to the Republican Establishment. Because the Republlican establishment has shown again and again that they are really no different than the Democrats, which is why they want Romney (a liberal) to win.
I fear that the Republican base is coming to a very sad conclusion: that the only person who can beat Romney is Paul. And they will therefore nominate Paul.
My prediction is that if Paul is the Republican nominee, he WILL beat Obama.
I hope I’m wrong in my prediction that Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination.
I am still unsure who will be worse for America, Obama or Paul. But I do believe that if it comes down to Obama vs Paul, Ron Paul will be our next President.
(Remember, in 2007, EVERYONE was saying that Obama could never get elected)
Quote “Romney (a liberal) to win.”
really ? where do you get your facts , Oh and yes we are talking about our next president ~ goodbye OBAMA don’t let the door hit you on the way out
As newt said: If i need to choose between Paul and Obama, ill vote for Obama.
Same here! Paul has said repeatedly that he wishes the state of Israel was never created. And he has met with hamas ect. He will be the worst thing ever for the yidden. May g-d have mercy.
If the voters in this country put Obama back in office there is no hope this country will get back in the right direction ,I WILL VOTE for anyone other than Obama and there are plenty of other Americans who feel the same way. Obama has lived up to the very reptation he had before becoming president , remember Rev Wright , and all the other thugs he associated with
well to use Obama own words TIME FOR CHANGE ~ a Republican in the White House !