New Gevir in Jackson: One Ticket Wins $32 Million

The $32 million Pick-6 jackpot has been hit by one ticket in Ocean County.

The winning ticket was sold at Quick Mart, 665 Bennetts Mills Road in Jackson.

The lucky retailer will receive a $10,000 bonus for selling the winning ticket.

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  1. Lost & Found Dept. Trying To Find Out Who Lost The Winning $32 Million Jackpot Ticket
    The Jackson Township Lost & Found Department posted an urgent bulletin on its website requesting the person “who recently lost the winning $32 million Pick-6 jackpot ticket to drop by their office as soon as possible to pick up the lost item.”
    “A winning $32 million jackpot ticket was found on the side of the road this morning and handed in to our department today,” the bulletin said. “Whoever you are, and whatever your name is, please pick up your winning ticket as quickly as possible because we will not accept any liability if the ticket gets stolen or lost again.”
    Jackson Lost & Found Dept. chief, Brian Wilson, told reporters today that an individual, who spoke with his department on condition of anonymity, dropped by his office today and told him that the winning ticket belonged to him.
    “He recited all of the correct numbers,” Mr. Wilson said, “so he is clearly the owner of this ticket.”
    “However,” Mr. Wilson added, “over the last several hours we’ve had dozens of people drop by the office, claiming that the winning ticket was theirs, and they also recited all of the winning numbers on the ticket, which means this ticket has several owners, and that there are multiple winners in this jackpot drawing.”
    Mr. Wilson added that, “I am waiting until all of the owners of this winning ticket drop by my office and verify proof of ownership by reciting all of the winning numbers on the ticket before I divide up the cash prize between all of the ticket owners.”
    “I’m not looking to deprive anyone of their rightful ownership of this ticket, or their portion of the lottery prize,” he said. “I’m just glad I’ll be able to return this lost ticket, with the cash prize, to its rightful owners.”

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