New Jersey state Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (R-Toms River) wants the state’s Motor Vehicle Commission to start prioritizing the needs of the public by allowing walk-in customers at its locations.
In a statement, Assemblyman McGuckin says the MVC’s online appointment-only system at its licensing centers, vehicle centers, driver testing centers and road test facilities was designed by Governor Phil Murphy, his administration and union leaders to serve their interests, not the people of New Jersey.
“The MVC has to stop limiting the public from accessing public services. No more Covid excuses. They are a forward-facing state agency and need to start seeing customers without an appointment,” McGuckin said. “The MVC isn’t a restaurant – you shouldn’t need a reservation to get served.”
McGuckin introduced a bill requiring all MVC locations to provide service to walk-in customers at least three full days per week on a first-come, first-served basis.
A similar bill making its way through the Senate requires accommodations for walk-ins only two days a week.
“People shouldn’t have to take a day off from work to schedule an appointment for MVC services, or worse, have to wait for weeks to get another appointment if they miss their designated time slot. They should be able to access it on their schedules, and at their convenience, at least three days a week,” McGuckin said.
Online appointments are required for any in-person transaction at an MVC location. It is a system the agency rolled out in fall 2020 to address long lines following government-mandated shutdowns. The MVC also separated licensing and vehicle services, which means customers now need separate appointments to visit different locations that offer the specific service they need.
“Murphy is more concerned about the pockets of special interests than prioritizing the needs of the public. The current set up isn’t customer-focused or friendly. It is a government experiment gone wrong,” he added. “The public shouldn’t have to navigate a convoluted system of online appointments and centers. They just want to be able to walk into a state agency and be helped. It’s a simple concept that’s been met with way too much resistance under this administration.”
Agree đź’Ż
and i know a guy who doesnt even have a phone to make appointments!
You cannot make an appt for a name change. I was turned away at 3 DMVs in one day at beginning of the day. I came back to one at 1:30 and was able to finally get it done. I had to take 10 hours of PTO (25%) of my annual leave to get it done. I hope this bill will go through. The Lakewood branch is probably the better of the ones in a 25 mile radius…..
The system they have now is stupid and insane you have to make an appointment at a specific location to do a simple thing, it was never like that,people have to drive 50 miles to get thier car registered, who ever thought it was a good idea? Every location should do every thing, liscence, registration, etc, theres a dmv 3 miles away yet, I have to drive 50 miles? Fix this or have someone who can do the job take it over.
In the 21st century this makes sense. Don’t we all hate waiting on long lines? Appointments are the easiest way to spread things out. If we return to walk ins then we return to long lines again. I don’t get this logic.
Amen 🙏 please fix this nonsense! We need to get back to hands on service! Walking in and getting our needs met.