New Batch of TLS ‘Thank You’ Gift Cards Are In!

A new batch of our ‘Thank You!’ digital gift cards are in!

The Kava cards are a small token of appreciation, rewarding readers for sending in pictures and video clips.

So the next time you send in your pictures or clips and we decide to use them, we’ll send you a $5 gift card via Whatsapp, Text, or email! Use to enjoy anything at Kava!

When submitting a picture or video clip to TLS, please use the hashtag #exclusive so we know to send you a Kava gift card!

(Only send in pictures or clips you took, or have rights to.)

There is no limit on how many gift cards you can receive!

Thank you to our friends and fans for helping TLS be the #1 news source in the Lakewood region since 2008 – with millions of monthly website views, and over 150,000 social media followers and fans!


You can submit pictures and videos in the following ways:

Email: [email protected]

Text: 415-857-2667

WhatsApp: 609-661-8668

This content, and any other content on TLS, may not be republished or reproduced without prior permission from TLS. Copying or reproducing our content is both against the law and against Halacha. To inquire about using our content, including videos or photos, email us at [email protected].

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Got a news tip? Email us at [email protected], Text 415-857-2667, or WhatsApp 609-661-8668.


  1. Pursuing the Magical TLS/Kava Gift Card
    Desperate to obtain one of those elusive, much-sought-after, magical TLS cards that bestows upon the lucky card holder free coffee and food at the Kava Coffee House, Lakewood resident, Steven Gooddeal, has been roaming the streets of Lakewood on a daily basis, hoping to snag a big-time, newsworthy photo that he can send to TLS in exchange for one of those all-powerful, magnificent and splenderous gift cards.
    “Hey, that’s a cool camera you got there,” William, a longtime photographer for the Asbury Park Press, told Mr. Gooddeal upon bumping into him several weeks ago on a Lakewood street corner. “You must be a big time photographer if you’re carrying an expensive, top-of-the-line camera like that!”
    “No, I’m not a professional photographer at all,” Mr. Gooddeal replied. “I’m just an ordinary freelancer, trying to snag one of those magical TLS/Kava gift cards in exchange for a dynamic photo I plan to snap that, hopefully, will be posted on TLS.”
    “I admit, I DID spend an awful lot of money for this camera,” Mr. Gooddeal conceded, “but I bought it for the sole purpose of snapping an eye-popping photo, which I hope to exchange with TLS for one of their magical cards.”
    “It’s not about the dollar value of the card,” he explained, “it’s about relishing one of life’s greatest pleasures, namely consuming a tall glass of chocolate latte, or a delectible slice of caramel cheesecake, in a coffehouse environment filled with an incredibly soothing ambience that is second to none, and knowing all the while that you’re partaking in this pleasureful coffehouse experience free of charge, like an honored guest. It makes me feel like a King!”
    Upon hearing Mr. Gooddeal kvelling over Kava’s amazing food and beverages, and listening to him extol the restaurant’s incomparable ambience, William fell silent, and stood in the same spot for the next several minutes deep in thought, as he pondered his next step, and his new path in life.
    Suddenly, William ripped off the Abury Park Press ID card that was hanging from his neck, pulled out a blank piece of paper from his pants pocket, inscribed the words ‘TLS/Kava’ on it, and attached it to his shirt pocket.
    “I’m joining you on this venture!” William told Mr. Gooddeal. “From hereon I no longer work for the Asbury Park Press. I am now a freelance photgrapher for TLS and Kava.”
    “I want to feel that same feeling of ecstasy,” he explained, “that one feels upon entering Kava, with that magical gift card to paradise in his hand, as he partakes in one of life’s most glorious and pleasurable delights.”
    “I want that same feeling!” he insisted, “and nothing will stop me from experiencing that amazing feeling!”
    The two photographers then bid one another farewell and wished each other ‘Good Luck’.
    “I will cover the northern half of Lakewood, and you will cover the southern half,” William told his new photographer acquaintance.
    “It’s a done deal,” Mr. Gooddeal replied, “I wish you much success in your photography/gift card endeavors! And may we both succeed in reaching the paradisal, promised land of delicious cappuccinos and delightful Belgian waffles!”
    Several weeks later, the two photographers were seen sitting together at the Kava Coffeehouse enjoying one of life’s most majestic pleasures, a chocolate caramel lava latte.
    “Ahhh, Kava latte is absolutely phenomenol!” Mr. Gooddeal told William.
    “I recently snapped a beautiful photo of six carjackers as they were attempting to steal a brand new sedan,” Mr. Gooddeal told William. “My photo was posted on TLS a short time later, and, shortly after that – my magical gift card arrived in the mail, and here I am with you, now, my dear friend, experiencing one of life’s most enjoyable delicacies, a chocolate caramel lava latte!”
    “How about you?” Mr. Gooddeal asked the former Asbury Park photographer and current freelance gift card photographer.
    To which William replied: “Well, I managed to snap an incredible photo of a fox gobbling down a slice of pizza next to a Lakewood resident’s garbage bin. I received my magical gift card from TLS shortly after the photo was posted online, and here I am with you, relaxing in Kava, drinking an amazing latte, the likes I have never tasted in my entire adult or pre-adult life!”
    “After handing the guy at the counter my TLS/Kava card,” William went on to say, “the delicious, piping hot latte was presented to me on a silver platter, free of charge, as if I were the King, or the Prince of Lakewood. Wow, I’m impressed!”
    “I’m about to cry from sheer joy right now!” he added. “Thank you TLS, and thank you Kava; you’ve made my life whole again! I can’t thank you enough!”
    Mr. Gooddeal and William then proceeded to offer up a toast.
    “Lechaim and cheers to TLS and to Kava!” they proclaimed, while raising their glasses of latte high into the air.
    “Lechaim and cheers to TLS and to Kava!” the rest of Kava’s patrons responded in unison, as they lifted their glasses of lattes and cappuccinos high into the air.
    A few minutes later, a restaurant patron approached Mr. Gooddeal and William, and showed them a t-shirt with the words TLS/Kava emblazoned on the front side, with a photograph of a wild bear strolling in front of a Lakewood retail outlet emblazoned on the other side.
    “Hi, my name is Barry,” he told them. “This photograph that I snapped of a wild bear, was initially posted on TLS; it netted me a beautiful gift card from TLS. I’m giving away 300 of these t-shirts to the first 300 individuals who help alleviate and solve the Shidduch dilemma.”
    Mr. Gooddeal and William then prodeeded to offer up a new toast.
    “Lechaim and cheers to Barry! Lechaim and cheers to Kava and to TLS!” they hollered in unison, as they clinked their glasses with one another, causing the latte to spill out of their glasses, all over their shirts.
    “Let me get you a clean cloth to wipe off your shirts,” a Kava employee told them.
    “No!” Mr. Gooddeal insisted. “Don’t you dare wipe off that latte from my shirt!”
    “My boss at work absolutely loves the aroma that emenates from Kava’s latte beverages,” he said, “and I know for certain he’ll enjoy the odor emananting from my shirt when I arrive at the workplace tomorrow.”
    “I pledge to my boss at the workplace, and to all of Kava’s patrons that this latte stain, and this amazing armoa, will remain on my shirt forever!” he asserted. “No Ifs or buts about it!”

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