VIDEO & PHOTOS of the block-long line of people waiting to be vaccinated at the Ocean Health office on Second Street this evening. TLS spoke with an OHI staff member at the office, who said that as of 5:45 p.m. this evening, they have vaccinated over 1,000 people. Based on the long line, they estimated they would be distributing about 2,000 by days end. (Mobile users click here for photos and here to view video on youtube).
Nearly 2,000 Line Up For Free Flu Vaccine On 2nd Street
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Believe it or not it was very organized, we owe them a thank you.
They were turning people away as of 5:15.
i dont know why ppl think that if it starts at 5 they can show up at 5. i came at 4 30 and i was out by 5. by then the line was huge already. and yes i agree, it was run very well and organized.
If it weren’t for people looking to “chop the line” by showing up 30+ mintues before the scheduled time, one would be able to come on time and receive service.
Ask the employees & volunteers whether they appreciate people lining up so long in advance.
thats just ridiculous. if you are going to a concert that starts at 8 do you come exactly at 8? of course they expected ppl to be there 1/2 hr early! everyone knows that the early bird catches the worm.
Like I said, ask people who work in such facilities how they feel about people camping out to be the first on line…
And yes, if I attended concerts, I’d come at the posted time. Of course, by doing so I’d likely be hours ealy as nothing ever starts on time…
#5 – Why do I (and everyone else reading this) need to know that you’re expecting??
i made the name when i was posting on something that it pertained to… didnt bother changing it. u have a problem with it?
Why do they care when you line up they start at 5 who cares if people are waiting. It sounds like someone is dissapointed that he got there late.
It’s certainly not the most refined pseudonym I’ve seen…
Becasue they’re the ones that have to deal with the crown lining up ahead of time. It’s a tircha and a drain on resources.
I actually received the inhalant at Chemed the night before. I arrived a few mintues after the posted time. Of course, there were people lined up, packed into the vestibule, etc. It didn’t bother me, I assumed it’d take an houfr and I was out in less than half that, but it was obvious that the staff there wasn’t thrilled that people had taken it upon themselves to descend upon the place aup to an hour before the posted time. I’m sure it had a financial impact, as well, as they were paying a police officer to maintain some semblance of order.
Are you nuts? “Expectant mom” as a nickname is UNREFINED? Betcha you think getting up for such a lady on a full bus is “unrefined” too… I tell you… “Moshiach’s Tzeitin”…
Drawing unnecessary attention to the fact by choosing it as a user name is somewhat unrefined, yes.
well im terribly sorry if i offended you by name. some ppl really need to chill. and as i said before, i chose it because it actually made sense with the topic i made the username for. i dont see why its unrefined though.. i suppose i should hide out in my house till i have the baby that way i wouldnt have to draw any “unnecessary attention to the fact”
The key word being “unnecessary”. No one would ever asked you to hide out to disguise the fact, but Jews don’t wear “Baby On Board” t-shirts, either.
i would understand the t-shirts.. but its not like i posted a picture of myself next to the name. why does something as small and unimportant as a username on a blog have to become a big deal?
there were people since 4:00
Tell me – what thoughts passed you your mind when you saw people camped out by retail stores to chop a metzia on Black Friday?
Cross apply as applicable.
Mom ! With all the respect but which Bais Yaakov did you go to ?