National Night Out Against Crime Event

PHOTOS (Video will be posted shortly) of the National Night Out Against Crime which took place this afternoon at Pine Park. Thousands of Lakewood residents enjoyed rides, free food and toys, dunk-a-cop and many even went home with a free bicycle!

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  1. what a fun town lakewood is. it was great to see everyone come together for a day of giving, by the very dedicated lakewood police department.A special thank you to all the volunteers of the community who are always there for the people. And to the staff of the lakewood scoop fan-tas-tic pics

  2. I agree. I went and left very quickly after seeing all the Taaruvos, Pritzus, Kol Isha music and basically a scene that reminded me why we are still in Galus.

  3. to the above posters that didnt like it last night–

    noone asked you to go. you werent forced to go. you didnt have to go. they didnt want you there. you couldnve gona anywhere else. dont complain abt it. stop making a chillul hashem.

  4. I was there too and if you felt you had to leave then you would have to leave the rides at Chol Hamoed gatherings such as in Brooklyn(Boro Park). I'd say at least 70% of the people were frum. If you were tempted to look at the other 30% then you need a yeshuah and quick! They had kosher food…they even played regular Jewish songs. Yes,there was Non-Jewish music as well. After all this was a Lakewood event NOT a BMG event. If that music was offensive to you then can I ask, what do you do in any amusement park? What do you do when you go to Astroland in Coney Island….??Oh,you're probably the one that just goes to the lake and says Tehillim and feeds the ducks,is that you?!! There was NOTHING different there than what you'll have in any amusement park….that you probably will visit this bein hazmanim,on the contrary there were ALOT more frum people than you'll encounter elsewhere. The only difference is that in the latter you GO THERE whereas this was made in "Lakewood Ihr Hakodesh" so you gotta find reason to knock it one way or another. If you can differentiate please respond. I was there with my children for a few hours and all I saw it as was a beautiful healthy afternoon out with my children something every parent should do. If your rov says there is/was something wrong with it then please ask him if you can go to Six Flags Mall/Park or any other similar places with your wife and children.

  5. This event was for the whole town of Lakewood, and not just for our community, so I don't see what someone has to complain about. I wasn't there, I just read the comments, but, obviously, it would have things going on that a frum person wouldn't want to see, so don't complain about it, just stay home. It is very nice of the Township to provide kosher food and entertainment for those who want to partake of it.

  6. Its events like this that really build a strong community. In the end we all help each other, no matter what faiths we are all from, we save lives, fight fires, patrol the streets so we have a safe place for our children to live and grow.

  7. to 1:31 pm anon–
    if u felt it was wrong to go, you shouldnt have gone. do wat u feel is right. stop picking ur nose in the coffee room and bringing in ur pearls of wisdom from achashveirosh.

  8. I was going to make a similar comment about Achashveirosh's feast, but this was not a political event, and we don't have a Mordechai Hatzadik telling us not to go, so take it or leave it, but don't bash it.

  9. I think the goyim might have been offended that there was Jewish music.
    And by the way, I over heard a woman say they had the nerve to serve non cholov yisroel snacks! Can you imagine!!??
    Lady-this event was NOT geared for you and they were very nice enough to give FREE food to everyone!! Including the pizza stores (that were cholov yisroel)

  10. Guess this event could have been a great way for the Lakewood community to be a light to the nations. Instead it seems all it did was cause a greater divide and more anti-semitism.

    Again if being frum means being like you and yes the world sees me just like you how sad. I am joinng the closest REFORM shul where there actually might be FRUM jews who understand what it means to be light to the nations

  11. oy vay. i think its a real chilull hashem that there is taaruvos. teaching the children at a young age to mingle. now thats 'crime' i spoke to my rosh yeshiva about it and he was maskim to me. besides , its bitul torah. so much for the "ir hatorah!"….

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