Nancy Pelosi orders flags at U.S. Capitol to be flown at half-staff
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Frankly, when the ‘rioting’ in Minneapolis and other areas by hoodlums go on and on unchecked,that is when the flags should be flown at half staff. Much less when hard working Americans ‘protest’ government officials they feel don’t represent them.
‘Just Saying’ Nancy!
I approve of Lowering the flag half way. I kust want to know why Nancy Pelosi and Chick Schumer didnt propose the same when peoples business were burnt down and livelihoods lost during the riots across the united states.
i want to know why an UNARMED civilian who was a US VETERAN is shot dead in the Capitol is not being investigated as other are being investigated.
if protests that become violent, set fires and destroy property is allowed for one group under the excuse of releasing their frustration, it should be allowed for any group. That being said no fires were set in the Capital vs the riots of NY Seattle Chicago Washington DC Kenosha WI and many other places.
2 wrongs dont make a right but neither if double standards.
Pelosi and Schumer are just inflaming half of this country and instead should just keep quiet the next 2 weeks. All they are doing is splitting this country in half more then they claim Trump is. Trump gave them 2x know via video to step back and just let him leave office.
And our president Elect Biden did not help with his speech yesterday having double standards.
If the government let FREE out of jail cards to many rioters who damaged properties private and public in the previous riots across the USA, they must do so now- unfortunately.
because law enforcement were ordered during the riots per politicians authoritative directions to stand back and allow police cars to burn, police stations to be burned and ransacked, to allow private business to burn down- such lawlessness actions ALLOWED and INFLAMED the actions of so many who showed up in Washington. Mind you no fires were set.
The comments of President Elect Biden , Pelosi and Schumer are furthering this country into a civil war.. Not that their actions the last 4 years against our president was the initial instigator to split this country.
I approve of Lowering the flag half way. I must want to know why Nancy Pelosi and Chick Schumer didnt propose the same when peoples business were burnt down and livelihoods lost during the riots across the united states.
i want to know why an UNARMED civilian who was a US VETERAN is shot dead in the Capitol is not being investigated as other are being investigated.
if protests that become violent, set fires and destroy property is allowed for one group under the excuse of releasing their frustration, it should be allowed for any group. That being said no fires were set in the Capital vs the riots of NY Seattle Chicago Washington DC Kenosha WI and many other places.
2 wrongs dont make a right but neither if double standards.
Pelosi and Schumer are just inflaming half of this country and instead should just keep quiet the next 2 weeks. All they are doing is splitting this country in half more then they claim Trump is. Trump gave them 2x know via video to step back and just let him leave office.
And our president Elect Biden did not help with his speech yesterday having double standards.
If the government let FREE out of jail cards to many rioters who damaged properties private and public in the previous riots across the USA, they must do so now- unfortunately.
because law enforcement were ordered during the riots per politicians authoritative directions to stand back and allow police cars to burn, police stations to be burned and ransacked, to allow private business to burn down- such lawlessness actions ALLOWED and INFLAMED the actions of so many who showed up in Washington. Mind you no fires were set.
The comments of President Elect Biden , Pelosi and Schumer are furthering this country into a civil war.. Not that their actions the last 4 years against our president was the initial instigator to split this country.
It seems that the folks commenting here aren’t the least bit aware of flag protocols. Flags at our nations capitol are lowered to half staff to acknowledge a loss of life. Burning beauty supplies and liquor stores aren’t covered by this protocol.
Now is the time to contact your electeds if you would like to see this changed.
You mentioned beauty supplies & liquor. Maybe google all those businesses that were destroyed completely the year of 2020 and you will see for yourself that we can add at least 17 more categories. It was not just those 2. Simply look at the pictures in Manhattan right before the elections, almost every single business was boarded up.
The flag is only lowered for deaths. And should continue to be.
Nancy doesn’t care about the ‘loss of life’, especially of cops and civil servants. That’s not what this is about to her…. Many cops were killed in the ‘peaceful protesters’ and Nancy never cared to have the flag lowered.
if anyone knows how i can get a hold of her shtender i think it would be great for the next siyum hahshas. they could give it to shottenstien
She should’ve ordered flags to be hung at half staff, when she unprecedently and immaturely tore the president of the united states speech after he finished in front of the whole country and world.
She also should have done it when two weeks ago she extremely nasty immaturely said they should drag trump out of Whitehouse with his hair and hands and feet.
(trump may have called one name nicknames but he never stooped so low)