N.J. State Police Target Speeders, Drunk Drivers During Memorial Day Weekend

nj state police turnpike(VIDEO) New Jersey state troopers told MyFoxNY.com they will be out in full force diligently catching speeders and drunk drivers in an effort to promote safety during the Memorial Day weekend. The Turnpike Authority said in the report the ramped up State Police coverage is not an attempt for state revenue but because they want to protect the roads. State troopers are expected to especially be out on the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway, according to the report.

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  1. To all those who are going to argue and say “no, this is just about raising revenues, the troopers don’t care about safety”… until you have been on the scene of a horrific accident caused by speeding or drunk driving.. until you had had to pick up body parts of young children who were the innocent victims of these drivers… until then, dont accuse these troopers of only caring about quotas… thank you

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