MVC: Motor Vehicle Offices Will Close Mondays, Stay Open Extra Hour On Saturdays

mvc njDrivers will lose Mondays but gain an extra hour on Saturdays as the state Motor Vehicle Commission announced reshuffled hours of operation for its 43 motor vehicle agencies. Chief Administrator Raymond Martinez announced the changes this morning, which will take effect on July 31 and save $4 million in operating costs.

Agencies will be closed on Mondays and open for an extra hour on Saturdays, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will also be open late on Tuesday and Thursday nights until 7:30 p.m. More in APP.

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  1. If they would extend the expiration date on drivers licenses to 5 – 7 years. It would also be better if they expire on the birthday this way there is no end of month rush.

    In addition drivers licenses should be renewable by mail.

  2. If you have to have a picture, the only way to renew by mail, would be like a passport – you have to provide the picture, and all the original documents for the 6 point ID that you now need. It’s a real hassle. One hour more on Saturday won’t help our community too much. Maybe it should be open one hour more on a regular weekday instead.

  3. I still don’t get the whole 6 pt ID thing. You are telling me that every Mexican driving around town has the 6 pts for ID?! And why if you already got your licence (proven with 6 pts.) do you need to produce these documents AGAIN to renew? Just to waste our time, that’s why!

  4. Does anyone know if NJ passed legislation which would eliminate mechanical car inspections? Emission inspection would continue, I believe. I thought I read that this was to happen in July.

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