Murphy Slams Trump, Blames Him for Storming of US Capitol

Governor Murphy attacked President Trump today and blamed him for Wednesday’s storming of the US Capitol by Trump supporters protesting the certification of the Electoral College results. 

“The president’s refusal to accept the reality that he lost the election created this,” Murphy said. “His years of lies and willful misinformation created this. His belief that the laws don’t apply to him created this. His spewing of unfounded conspiracy theories created this. His unwillingness to understand even the basic precepts of the constitution created this.”

Murphy also exhorted law enforcement to find and prosecute those who were involved in the protests, in which a woman was shot and killed by Capitol Hill police.

“They should be given no quarter,” Murphy said of the protesters. “They are not patriots. They are the antithesis of what it means to be an American. This was not a protest, it was an act of domestic terrorism spurred on by the president himself and his minions.”

The governor’s statements came during a press conference in which he announced that he was deploying 500 New Jersey National Guardsmen to Washington, DC, to ensure the peaceful transfer of power between presidents, saying they will remain in Washington at least until Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20.

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  1. Where’s the hands up don’t shoot protesters, after an unarmed female was shot in cold blood by the Secret Service. Where’s the Stop the Use of Deadly Force criers now!! Where’s the arrest the officer immediately gang ??? ZZZZZZ Say her name!! ZZZZZ

  2. Wow! What a knucklehead! When “mostly peaceful” protests follow Murphy’s agenda, then he joins in, but when it’s protesting voter fraud, then it becomes terrorism. What a hypocrite. Also, where was the national guard when cities struggled to contain BLM and Antifa? Will Murphy apologize when it becomes clear that this violence was instigated by Antifa? I won’t hold my breath… (Don’t get me wrong, violence is ALWAYS wrong. But the double standard makes him a hypocrite)

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