Multiple Vehicles in Lakewood Struck by Gunfire

Multiple vehicles were struck by gunfire in Lakewood over the weekend, TLS has learned.

Yesterday, a Lakewood resident came to police headquarters to report gunfire damage to his vehicle, which was parked near the High Point development in Lakewood.

Upon arrival, police located the vehicle in question, and then located two other vehicles also struck by gunfire. The owners of the other vehicles were unaware of the shooting.

Police tell TLS it appears the shots were fired sometime between 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM the night prior.

Lakewood’s Detective Bureau and CSI are investigating.

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  1. “Harass the Midyonim and smite them, for they harass you by their wiles…” (Bamidbar 25:17-18)

    “If someone is coming to kill you, rise up and kill him first.” (Sanhedrin 72a)

    So, now that actual gun shots have been fired at us in Lakewood, with what do folks have to defend themselves should the situation arise? (an eventuality becoming ever more likely it seems, R”L).

    Or the opposite: How many will continue to keep their heads buried in the sand like good (i.e. defenseless) shtetl Jews and rail against those of us who advocate for Yidden with guns?

    As Purim approaches, how many Lakewooders are prepared, like the Jews of Shushan, to go out *armed* against the anti-semite killers who threaten our families and community? Or will you depend on your armed neighbor to come to the rescue of yourself, your wife and children because you refused to take the achrayus upon yourself?

    Just asking.

    • A similar question was recently discussed with Rabbi Yitzchak Zilbershtien from the Bnai Brak area, he said that if you have a license to carry, then by all means please bring a gun to Shul if it is legal for self defense.
      He was not excited about the fact that the government is forcing people to do 45 hours of community service in order to get a license.

  2. The above comment goes against authentic Jewish values. A Jew protects himself first and foremost through prayer, learning Torah, and keeping the Mitzvos. We don’t put our faith in weapons and violence. “If god will not watch the city, the watchmans efforts are in vain”. אִם השם לֹא יִשְׁמָר עִיר שָׁוְא שָׁקַד שׁוֹמֵר. (Tehillim 127) A weapon is only to be carried when there is serious danger to life, and after consultation with Daas Torah.
    Secondly, there are no “anti-semitic killers” threatening our community. You are reading way too many novels or something like that. Please stop trolling this site. Bullets in someone’s car doesn’t call for anyone to pick up arms.

  3. According to you, I guess that the announced “Day of Hate” caused EVERY local area police department to “troll” the public with unnecessary and alarmist alerts (as reported by TLS). And I guess that when the “World Israel News” headlined last week that “Jewish-owned gun clubs mobilize against rising threats: ‘Jews need firearms'”, they were engaging in disinformation and right-wing conspiracy theories? Oy…in my (humble) opinion you represent that cadre of Jews who are so pollyanna-ish in their thinking as to be dangerous to the well-being of Klal Yisrael and useless if/when (G-d forbid) the anti- semitic mobs come calling. But not to worry… those of us who are armed will rise to the challenge and defend you and your loved ones as well!

    P.S. I’m absolutely not advocating to “put our faith in weapons and violence”…but only to do our hishtadlus towards self-defense, which is absolutely a Jewish value!

    • We put our faith in Hashem to protect us. “Lishuascha kivisi Hashem”… Don’t get so dragged in to your avoda zarah of guns.

      And yes, every news outlet publishes alarmist material. That is how the media gets readers lol.

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