Multiple School Buses Getting Stuck Around Town

school bus stuck in snow 2016In case you were wondering where your child’s school bus is, it may be stuck in snow.

Readers tell TLS they have witnessed multiple school buses stuck in various locations around town, including Park Avenue, Whispering Pines and more.

At lease one of the drivers refused to go into the development, and instead asked that all children come out to the main road.


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  1. My son’s bus came about an hour late, I called to see where the bus was and they told me it will be by me shortly, she was still finishing the previous school’s run, (this was when the bus was already more than a half hour late). The person who picked up the phone said the roads are very bad and actually the bus had gotten stuck. I don’t see why the roads are still so bad there was plenty of time for road clean up by now.

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