We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Osnas Weitman A”H, wife of Reb Avrohom Weitman Z”L, who was Niftar this morning following an illness. She was in her mid-eighties.
Mrs. Weitman A”H, who lived in Lakewood for many years, including during the times of Reb Aron Zatzal, and moved to Eretz Yisroel several months ago, was known as a very Chashuve woman.
She is the mother of Reb Lipa Weitman (Lakewood), Shani Weitman, and Mrs. Rivki Kanarek (wife of Reb Shloime Chaim). Other siblings reside in Eretz Yisroel.
The Levaya took place today in Eretz Yisroel. Shivah details to follow.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
bde. mrs. weitman was in her seventies and lived in eretz yisrael for over a year. a true tzaddekes in every sense of the word.
she is also the mother of Ms. Shani Weitman (lakewood)
mrs. weitman is also the mother of Rav Yaakov Tzvi Weitman and Mrs. Hindy Steif who reside in Yerusholayim, she celebrated her 79 th birthday just yesterday. Mrs. Weitman moved to Yerusholayim a year and half ago. May she be a mlitza Yosher to her family and to everyone.
It’s hard to believe that she’s gone! She was so vibrant and youthful. I will miss her a lot. BD”E
What a special woman. A lot to learn from her ways. She will be missed by many.
osnas also is survived by her brother Daniel altstatder
A beautiful Legacy, She leaves behind thousands of Einiklach. Her children Rabbi and Mrs. Kanarek are responsible for the Chinuch of most Lakewood Children. Mrs. Kanarek is very involved in all areas of Chinuch and she follows example from her Illustrious Parents. yehi Zichro Boruch
Dear Shmuel dovid how many in lakewood can remember her father testing dayschool kids. A real old time lakewood family
The sweetest, most aidel lady I ever met. A part of Lakewood’s history as a lovely small Jewish community has gone from this world. Her legacy lives on in her wonderful children, who I had the privilege to know growing up and going to the Hebrew Day School. BD”E
BD”E. I happen to be wearing right now a shirt that she bought for me as a gift.
I didn’t know she had moved to Eretz Yisroel or that she was ill. This is a shock to me even more because to me she was unbelievably forever young. Her personality stayed the same, so sweet, kind and youthful over all these years and I wondered if she would ever age! BD”E
when reb chaim altstadter zt”l came to Lakewood in the 1940’s he stayed with my mother’s parents the zurinsky’s it was the beginning of a long friendship with the altstadter weitman zurinsky nagelberg families. reb chaim joined in Lakewood by his brother reb yousef zt”l there are many stories I can tell but this is not the time. as my friend sam commented chaim ,yousef and others’ would come to the Hebrew day school to test us on our lemudai kodesh .I will miss her very much.
This woman was very specail person she always open her house here in Lakewood. She was like grandmother to us. We will never forget her. We will always would love to help family in anyways in return of her help.