Mrs. Malkie Yablonsky A’H

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Malkie Yablonsky A’H, who was Nifteres today in NY following a lengthy illness. The Levaya will take place tomorrow morning in Boro Park. The children are: Sharir – Highland Park NJ, Aliza (Frayda) Zabare – Lakewood, Miriam Lea Blatter – Brooklyn, Zacai – Detroit MI, Pnina Scwhartzman – Argentina, Chaim Shalom – Lakewood, Yerucham – Lakewood, Shmuel Shaul – Lakewood, Milca Rana Adler – Cleveland OH, Baruch – Monsey, Blima Nobel – NY, Yehudis Moratov – Brooklyn, Yehuda Labe – Brooklyn.

Shivah will be taking place at 1184 East 18th Street, Brooklyn, until Erev Yom Kippor.

Click here for more details.


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  1. I do not know Malkie, but I know Yerucham having done work for Powerlutions. You are a good man and I am very sorry for the loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

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