Mrs. Greta Oppenheimer Sitting Shivah In Lakewood Upon The Passing Of Her Brother

Long time Lakewood resident Mrs. Greta Oppenheimer is sitting Shivah for her brother, R’ Gavriel Adler Z’L, of Hillcrest, Queens, who passed away last week. She will be sitting Shivah until Thursday morning at her home, 1113 Clifton Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Oppenheimer, are the owners of the Oppenheimer’s Regis Hotel in Fleishmann’s, NY.

Hamakom Yinachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveili Tzion Ve’yerushalayim.

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  1. The Oppenheimer’s are the most wonderful people Lakewood has known.Living in Lakewood over 50 years and being well respected baalei chesed and baalei tzidokoh makes them the ideal couple from whom we can emulate. May Greta have a nechama from this personal loss.

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