Rebetzin Bracha Danziger A’H

[UPDATED Monday] We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Rebetzin Bracha Danziger A’H, who was Nifteres on Yom Tov. Mrs. Danziger, who retired in Lakewood with her husband Reb Shlomo approximately 25 years ago, was taken on Shmini Atzeres to a Hackensak Hospital, where she was Nifteres.

She was in her mid eighties.

She is the mother of Rabbi Yechezkel, Mrs. Miriam Stavsky, Rabbi Hillel, R’ Yochanan, R’ Gamliel, R’ Eli and R’ Avraham.

The Levaya will be taking place at 10:30 AM on Sunday, at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel on 7th Street.

The Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.

Shiva will be held in Yerushalyim on Monday night, and Tuesday through Friday they will be sitting at 40 Caranetta Drive in Lakewood. Mrs. Miriam Stavsky will be sitting at her home, 1185 Monmouth Ave, on Monday night.

Shachris on Tuesday will be at 8:00 AM, and the rest of the week at 7:30 AM. Mincha is at 5:30 PM.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.


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  1. I am beyond tears. This Tzedekes was the epitome of Dignity. My deepest heartfelt condolences to Rav Shlomo Danziger. A Tzaddik who literally saved my life. May Hashem comfort the entire Danziger family. Pillars of Lakewood. Rebbetzin Danziger leaves behind a legacy of Ehrlicher children who have helped many in this community without fanfare. My gratitude and condolences to the entire Danziger meshpucha.

  2. She was a selfless woman totally devoted to her family and her husband’s limud hatorah. She leaves behind 6 children and approximately 90 grandchildren / great-grandchildren.

  3. make up ur mind was she “niferes” or “nifter”?”nifteres” is incorrect. in english its ” passed away” in loshon kodesh / hebrew its “nifterah”

  4. @4
    Totally insensitive and inappropriate. BTW, Rav Shlomo would disagree with your dik-duk. Time to shut down your computer and open up your heart.

  5. Rebbetzin Danziger A’H was the matriarch of the beautiful Danziger families of Lakewood who are all fine, wonderful and exceptional people. May the family be comforted at this painful time and may her neshomah have an aliyah. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

  6. The Nifteres was a chosuve woman. nifteres is correct only as a noun but not as an verb. Anyone who knows Hebrew knows you cannot say ‘she was nifteres’. Equally ridiculous is to ‘Melitza Yeshara’. The correct is to say ‘Melitzas Yosher’.

    For those who know Hebrew, such incorrect expressions are are jarring and an indication of inferior writing.

  7. Mrs. Danziger was an extremely special woman who totally devoted herself to her husband, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. she defined the words “Ezer Knegdo” to their fullest. She will be sorely missed. May Hashem comfort her family and all who knew her and may she be a mailitz yosher for them and all of klal yisrael. Yehi Zichro Baruch.

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