Motzei Shabbos: Paint Night for Women (VIDEO)

image[COMMUNICATED] This coming Motzai shabbos, women in Lakewood are invited to take part in a Paint Night party to benefit Parnassah Network.

The Paint Nite is the latest fad around the US mixing a social night out with a fun step by step instructional painting lesson. The women will not only leave with a beautiful painting they didnt know they could make but theyll also enjoy refreshments, socializing, and a grand night out.

The paint night is taking place Motzai Shabbos at Prime 95 with a limited number of preregistered slots available.

It’s a great venue to get out with family and friends and its right in the neighborhood. To reserve your slots today you can go to or email [email protected]. You can also call Esther at 732-267-6743 to reserve your slot.

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