PHOTOS: A motorcyclist this evening is in critical condition after being struck by a vehicle, Police say. The incident occurred at about 8:00 PM at the intersection of Kennedy Boulevard and Lexington Avenue, where the biker was thrown from his motorcycle. EMS responded to the scene.
The man was trasnported to Jersey Shore Medical Center in critical condition.
LPD’s Traffic & Safety units as well as CIU are investigation the crash. TLS-55/TLS-SSI/TLS-CCP.
Is there a name for tehilim?
how did the driver have an illinois license plate? is he from illinois?
8:00 PM on Shabbos? Photos? Hmm…
Hope the cyclist recovers.
Tehillem name?
#2 – no not jewish, so i guess dont worry about tehillem.
but remember, even tho he isnt a jew, he could be the person to be your hero in a time of need.(heck, he could even be a lakewood fireman, or the non-jewish member of LCSW, or a lakewood police officer, or just another average human)
but you sit there in your cozy little life, and question weather to extend yourself & your prayers for a non-jew or not. ITS SECULAR ATTITUDES LIKE YOURS, THAT MAKE PEOPLE APPREHENSIVE ABOUT JEWS.
the sheer fact that your asking if he’s jewish or not is just morally wrong. it shouldnt matter. its someones son, its g*ds child, its someones brother, someones best friend. we shouldnt worry about his religion in such a time. its a HUMAN in pain. i think segregation once affected the jews, so why do you yourself bring it back?
Well said Mr. Conservative
With all due respect Mr Conservative,
Why do you automatically assume based on this persons question that he would not extend himself and his prayers to a non Jew? Are you self conscious about something?
Being that you comment on this website quite frequently I assume that you are very familiar with our community. That being said I am certain that you know that we are very close knit community that associates our own kind as being part of our family. So in the case that g-d forbid one of ours is hurt or g-d forbid dies we feel the pain much worse and a lot closer to home.
I would also venture to say that if this person was your brother g-d forbid or your son I don’t think that you would feel quite the same then if he was a random stranger that you never met before. Actually I certainly hope that you wouldn’t feel the same because if you did I would have to question your emotional stability. So before you come here and make assumptions that this person is sitting in his cozy little life blah blah blah whatever other silly comments you made that you felt necessary to write in all capital letters (probably did that because your point wasn’t strong enough so you needed to make it look important), why don’t you take a step back and stop being so judgmental.
Its amazing how brazen you are to come here and speak of morals like you are the moral police while in the same discussion you freely throw around make anti-Semitic comments and sentiments as if it was going out of style.
Its attitudes like yours that make people apprehensive about morons.
it doesn’t amke a difference if he is a jew or not. Our faith heels all wounds, we help everyone in need
Att mr conservative. Are you Jewish ? Orthodox? Yeshivish? Chasidish? Modern? …….
Your comments posted will only create what you accused the person who wrote knowing if the person is from the jewish community. Yes you create hatred to our community with your over zealot comments.
As is very clear to all this website is geared to the Lakewood Jewish community. Its clear from the advertisements, yeshivahs news and so forth. Anyone reading this Jewish or not know this.
When someone is asking if a person is Jewish it’s because as the post before explained we are a tight community and we feel like family. If g-d forbid a person passes away many of us will attend the funeral and even pay a shiva (condolence) call to the house. We are chariots to know if it’s a friend, family or neighbor who needs help. AND WE DO HELP!!!! That is who we are.
Let’s not forget the outpour of grief when our own LPD officer was tragically killed protecting our neighboorhood. I met Chris about 3 times. He was a sincere caring officer. The entire rabbinical yeshiva, schools, and residents lined up Lexington ave to show their greif and express their condolences. This does not happen for every Jew. Why don’t you TRY to focus on the good of our community instead of publicly misrepresenting our community and it’s feelings
Typo. Auto change. I wrote “concerned” and did not write “chariots”
With all due respect Mr Orthodox:
While it is definitely true that a tragedy is more painful when it hits closer to home, it is totally rude, vulgar, and disrespectful to ask such a question in a public forum. It is insensitive and it leads one to think that all you care about is yourself and your own community. Mr. Conservative has it very right! If you have nothing smart to add to a piece of terrible news like this, then it is advisable to just keep your mouth shut!
Mr conservative is correct mr orthodox . The fact that anonymous ask the question says a lot. You may defend a lot of things but not the question.
bottom line is the question by itself implicates him.
It shouldn’t matter what religion the person is . It seems like in lakewood it does and that is tragic.
A person that suffers an accident should be treated just the same no matter who they are. there should be no bias or if you want to use the code word secular against any human beings. it ‘s this type of thinking that make me disappointed in my own species.
let’s have a more positive feeling for our neighbors in lakewood.
We are all human and made from the same creator . When we start to respect each other we will advance as a top species on this beautiful planet.
To mr conservative,
No offense, but there is a reason why someone was asking if it was a Jew or not. Mr orthodox put it down quite well and I don’t have to repeat what he said. However, I work with a bunch of nonjews and how ever nice I am towards them, they are constantly giving jews an attitude. They don’t give eachother an attitude. And so I can say the same thing about nonjews what you said about jews. I suggest you shouldn’t be so quick to point fingers at people based on their religion. I go out of my way for the nonjews I work together with every day. I have a lot to point fingers at them for but I don’t. I encounter plenty of antisemitism on a daily basis. If you aren’t jewish, you’d be embarrassed to see how these nonjews act towards jews.
o gosh. another one!? hope he’s ok.
What about the people in town that live here but have Ohio, Texas, New York and Pa Tags…they live here too..guess they should change their addresses to the NJ one and change their cars over to NJ registration tags.
some people can sure turn things around when they feel threatend or wrong…nice job by both partys….!!!
To Mr. Conservative and Fans:
Let me suggest another possible reason “Anonymous” asked if the driver was Jewish. In the Jewish religion, when we pray for someone, it is important that we reference the person’s full given-at-birth name as part of the prayers i.e. Aaron Ben (the son of) Sara. The reason for this is beyone the scope of this forum. However, I’m sure you’ve noticed the full names of those in accidents being announced for the purpose of prayers. When “Annonymous” asked if the person is Jewish, he is in essence asking if we need the name, and if so, asking for the actual name to be posted. If the person turns out to be non-Jewish, we all will feel the pain of the injured and his/her family and we can all pray and do good deeds in thier meirt. But we don’t need their name.
We ask if Jewish for a name,nothing more nothing less.
Some people come to a Jewish website and then degrade how Jews talk to each other. If we feel we need to ask if they are Jewish there is a reason. Find out the reason before you knock Jews.
Jews are the most caring ,helpful, non judgmental people there are.
Stop coming here expounding hate.
Stop fighting!!!! All anonymous wanted to know if he should say a tehilim name. If it is non Jewish we also feel bad . But if he was a jew then it would be like someone from our family. if a sibling of yours would be in critical condition c”v you would also say tehillim or pray. Now stop fighting so the sick one can get better.
I’ve never noticed coordinated Psalm prayer groups on other websites.
Perhaps some of the commentators here can work on arranging this.
To # 20. that is so right on. Are there any other websites,news blogs that organize group prayers for the injured? Any other places where they care so much about their fellow man whether Jewish or not.
Instead of hating the way we talk here,why can’t you appreciate who and what we are all about.
I really believe that Mr. Conservative reads this blog to find fault with the orthodox & to do his best to lecture down to them. It is VERY obvious from his posts. He has an agenda and should be taken with a ton of salt.
I usually don’t jump to these ultimately inane threads but I feel compelled to say three things which will benefit everyone who would strongly consider them:
1 ) Pursuing peace Is a divine commandment. That holds for everyone who believes in the Almighty Unique and Wise Creator.
2) Since we just got out of the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av) a day of communal mourning, which requires silence to rectify the sins which involve speech. I thought it pertinent to relate that The Mishna regards silence as a virtue: “kol yom’i gadalti bein hachachamim velo matzasi laguf tov ela shesika” – “all my days I was raised amongst scholars and found nothing better for my body than silence”. And this is amongst scholars!!!! Speech can be the result of critical and productive thought or a gut reaction which reflects our emotions. People you are the only creatures have the ability to think and express thought. Right here we see these two forms of speech in action, and creating conflict with one another, Tension and not peace is created when man has the impulse to react verbally but he/she should critically consider the ramifications of his/her words. Silence is a sign of control. Speech which is impulsive out of the starting gate is emotionally reactionary indicative of a crude and often cruel physical impulse. Silence is extolled in Jewish thought in the Mishna (Early Code of Jewish Law) with the quote “velo matzasi laguf tov ela shesika” – “I found nothing better for my ‘guf’ – (body) than silence”. This refers to the silence that indicates the maturity and desire for peace by the control of emotional impulses.
And finally:
3) The Jewish community has various networks for saying Tehillim (Psalms) for those in need in the community. I suggest that those resources be used instead of a public forum which may actually impede your prayers because of not taking the advice of the Mishna. hinder the
I well pray for him don t care what he is , this is why there are so many wars.
Mr Conservative:
Find me another town in this country where the entire community turned out en masse for the funeral of a police officer.
There were more Orthodox Jews by Chris’ funeral than any other members of Lakewood’s various communities. Thousands of young men left their studies and businesses and followed our Rabbis to Lexington to pay our last respects to Chris and to show our respect to Lakewood Police Department.
Have you mentioned this to your friends? Has the APP mentioned even one word about it??
Police Chief Bob Lawson told someone, that many police chiefs from around the country told him, that their officers who participated in the funeral never saw such an outpouring of respect for a fallen officer from a local community.
Yes, we feel a kinship for our fellow Jews. Not because we only care for fellow Jews, we actually care about all fellow human beings. But since we stick together as a community, we go to the same schools, we pray in the same synogogues, therefore…….. if the person was Jewsih, we probably know the person, or a family member, or neighbors.
Did you notice the shock that we as a community felt when little Leiby Kletzky was brutally murdered in Brooklyn by a psychopath? It touched all of us, because many of us knew his family, or his friends, or his neighbors. Most of Lakewood grew up in Brooklyn, and we feel very close to each other.
A while back there was a car accident in Lakewood, and a child was in critical condition. I didn’t know the family at all, but when I heard that the child goes to my child’s school, I realized that my child was affected. My child prayed every day with the entire school for the well-being of this child. I discussed with my child her fears of car accidents, and her emotions regarding a school-mate being deathly ill.
So yes, we are affected personally in one way or another by these tragedies, and because we are a community, we all feel these tragedies on a more personal level.
And yes, we all felt the tragedy of the murder of Chris on a personal level as well. Which is why we all came out in an unprecedented show of respect and support on the day of his funeral.
A sense of community is a beautiful thing. I wish all Americans the opportunity to feel a sense of belonging, whether its with their family, neighbors, place of worship, or community.
lets all pray for him
Mr. Conservative,
Can you please let us all in on the comment in which the question is asked if he is Jewish or not? This point was missed by ALL previous comments. The question was if there is a name for Tehillim. It is a question found countless times on posts where it is OBVIOUS the person is Jewish. It’s because we want to know the proper name to pray for(if there is one).
As an aside; it is very obvious that Mr. Conservative wakes up every morning and hits his keyboard rushing to see if there’s anything he can bash the community with. He is one of those bitter people who will always be heard saying negative comments. Has anyone ever read a nice comment from “Mr. Conservative”? I haven’t. Mr. Conservative, are your ranks dwindling so much due to intermarriage that you must resort to bashing the Orthodox community?
I, an Orthodox Jew shed tears when Officer Matlosz was killed. I cried for his family. I cried for his fiancee and I cried for his children who were never to be. Mr. Conservative; did you even attend the funeral? Or were you in busy with your “cozy life” at the time? Stop concocting stories when you have nothing to say. Simply keep quiet. It would serve you best.
Get a life.
hey everybody my best friend is ok if u can call being in the ER for 3day and cant remember anything ok then yes his ok … i like how the comments went from is he ok to about jew bashing ? poeple are entirely too sensitive …….. my friend got hit by a car when he was out riding his motorcycle ???????????????? really i dont care who hit me jewish black ,maxican, white ….. thats whats wrong wait people today there to sensitive about what people say the ratio of jewish people in lakewood is higher then every nationality the question was not that off but stupid cuz jewish people are not out at the time my friend got hit …i dont care what nationality hit my friend he got hit and all most died im happy his ok thank u for asking