Most Primary Girls Placed For Upcoming School Year

An Askan working tirelessly on finding placement for primary girls for this upcoming school year confirmed to TLS this morning that most girls have been placed. From the ‘Litvishe’ Mosdos, only 4-5 girls have not yet been placed, and from the ‘Chassidishe’ Mosdos, there are about 10 girls who are still without a school.

The Litvish girls are expected to be placed this week, and Askonim are currently working with – and urging – one Chassidishe Mosad to open an additional class for the upcoming school year, to accommodate the girls not yet accepted. Opening that additional class, would solve the issue for the Chassidishe children.

Immediately after Pesach, there were approximately 80 primary girls which were without a school, but at least 10 of them had an option to go to a school not of their choice.

Girls begin school next week. TLS-CCP.



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  1. this is written like its something that we should be proud of!!! yes thank you to the askonim who are working tirelessly! but come on!! 15 girls not in schools is just too much!! The Aibeshter is crying from this.

  2. any one know why the buses didnt show up this morning.I spoke to my sons school and they said 2 buses didnt show up. Great begining to the new school year

  3. Why not add a few more classes and some extra bus routes and charge it to the Lakewood Board of Education. Sure wish I could send my child to a private school and just pass the bill on to the tax payers in this town.

  4. to #4 –

    are you kidding or ignorant?

    private schools do not bill the tax payers for tuition. new jersey does not have a voucher program. please feel free to enroll your child in a private school and you will see how much the parent body is paying. in addition to paying taxes to send your kids to school even though the private school parent body gets nothing out of that.

    the only thing the lakewood taxpayers pay for is busing and that would basically be the same cost no matter which school the children go to.

  5. according to well know sources there are about 30 girls without a school even though there is room but no will to take these girls

  6. It says clearly that the reason is thae lack of space . It costs money to create a new class and then fund the deficit every year . The crying id from the fact that you and the rest of the Tzibur dont care to fund more schools . The existing schools are overloaded and losing hundreds of thousands every year

  7. there are around ten litvishe not in school and there are at least 8 more who were placed in schools that they didnt apply to and as of today are refusing to go to those schools. Its not the askanims fault they are doing an excellent job im sure but the roshei mosdos who are not getting toghether and sorting out the remainding girls

  8. TO #4, I hope you understand what the other posts tried to explain. Parents of parochial and private schools have to pay tuition for their kids in school. Their education is not free as it is in public school. But, they also have to pay taxes like any other citizen. Therefore they are paying for their own children’s educations, plus they are paying for the education of the children who go to public schools. This is a choice they choose to make, but believe me, this ain’t no free lunch. Most of the parents are choking from the large tuition expense. So, sorry, you’ll have to look for some other issue if you want to condemn them.

  9. You state “This is a choice they choose to make ” That is NOT the case.This is a choice we are obligated to make ! No different than keeping Shabbos etc….

  10. My daughter wasn’t accepted, and theycgave is a choice of a school with most of the girls come from broken homes and Russians, am i supposed to say yes??

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