Most of the High School acceptance letters for the coming school year have been sent out TLS has learned. An Askan who wishes to remain anonymous confirmed to TLS that although most acceptance letters were sent out, some will be sent out this Monday, and the remainder by the end of this week. As first reported here on TLS, letters were scheduled to be mailed out by April 15th. Answers from parents are due by the 23rd of April, so that schools can calculate the available slots, prior to sending out the second batch of acceptance letters.
The second batch of acceptance letters are scheduled to be mailed within two weeks.
Were they mailed Thursday? Friday? Motzei Shabbos? today?
By mistake I threw mine out–I thought it was another collections letter.
i also thought they were suppose 2 b sent out on thursday….
On Friday, after 5:00 p.m. Ask Tyrone for the halacha angle.
We plan to frame the acceptance letter.
And hopefully her diploma.
Oh, sorry, I just saw the words high school and overreacted.
Rabbi Rosen does a thankless job voluntarily and with great sensitivity.
May he have tremendous nachas from his own children.
why can’t they just send them all out together? just imagine u receive an acceptance letter from school A on mon. but you’re waiting for school b which doesn’t arrive til a week later meanwhile you miss school A’s deadline, wouldn’t it make sense to send them all out same day?
The majority of people have great respect for your sense of achrayus and your hard work. Even though it gets difficult, try not to answer
or “defend” yourself to the few critics. You won’t change their minds and
you only dignify their comments with your responses. We all know the truth and in shomayim the truth is really known.
Breakfast or brunch?
Maybe he has a chavrusoh.
It’s a good thing our girl high schools (and for that matter all our schools) have better acceptance standarsd than schools in other towns. That’s why the kids we produce are so much better than the kids who are produced by schools outside of our town. Yes, and that’s why we have so few kids at risk compared to other places.
i heard that a few school in lakewood haave a few girls not inmuch less then last year borch hashem and thankyou all the askanim for being ontop of the situation.
If people only knew how hard it is to run a moisod and how many hours are spent fundraising, they would refrain from public criticism.
If there is some problem, talk privately and you’ll be amazed at how receptive the people in charge are. As long as you don’t shout at someone who is up till 3:00 a.m. trying to meet payroll, they will listen.
why not all on the same day?
Who is your comment referring to /
What are these kids at “risk” for?
proud parents: when i was applying to elementary schools a few years ago, i hung up the rejection letters in my living room. it made a great conversation piece.
My living room isn’t big enough for the rejection letters.
Which ones were sent and which weren’t?
They don’t send rejection letters….remember??so you are all full of balogny
the people commenting obviously don’t have daughters going into h.s. or else they would know how insensitive they sound.
This is not a game, this is a girl’s future. And when a girl doesn’t receive a letter this week, it is going to hurt the rest of the year, which she still has to face her peers for another 2 months.
Rabi rosen is a tzaddik if anyOne would know how hard he works they would be shocked. And its a very dificult job dealing with these schools.
I heard that there is a school in town that still has plenty of room for next year so if you still need a place for your Primary kid go apply, why do people wait till the Summer when they are stuck to start applying?
Unless (moderated) is not even an option ……………………
(moderated) has a full class and isnt even looking !
Not true! There are no schools. In lakewood that have any room. I applied to all of them and they all sent me a letter saying they would LOVE to take my daughter they just have NO space.
anyone care that there are STILL girls that have not been placed in elementary schools? It is sooo sad that some get in and some really have to beg and for what…just so that their daughter could get the same education as yours!!
alot of girls got their answer and the schools said they cant talk about it bh cause alot of girls also didnt get in.