Monmouth County Sheriff Disappointed With FAA, Calls For Accountability and Better Communication After FAA Drone Research Sparks Public Panic

Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden has expressed his extreme disappointment with the Federal Aviation Administration following the recent revelation that the drone activity in New Jersey, which caused widespread panic and fear among residents, was conducted as part of research efforts.

The unexplained drone activity, led to significant public concern, with residents, members of law enforcement, state, federal and local authorities scrambling for answers while the FAA’s lack of transparency regarding the nature of the operation, heightened alarm and created unnecessary anxiety in the community leading to a waste of taxpayer resources to track and chase down suspicious reports.

“Residents of New Jersey were subjected to weeks of fear and uncertainty, with no clear communication or explanation at the time,” said Sheriff Golden. “For the FAA to now claim this was for ‘research’ shows a complete disregard for the trust and safety of our communities.”

Sheriff Golden emphasized the need for accountability and better communication from federal agencies when conducting operations that could impact public safety and security. He is calling on Congress to implement immediate reforms to ensure transparency and collaboration with state and local authorities in future operations.

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  1. There was no “revelation.” There was a claim by the White House with no evidence and which makes no sense. Every analysis of these “drone” videos found that none of them were drones. The drone panic was based on nothing but mass hysteria.

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