Mo’adim L’simcha Food Distribution
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Mi k`amchah Yisrael
How many kollel people actually stay home for yom tov that they need this big metzia? How ’bout the reg. working guy who can’t afford his mortgage and doesn’t get tuition breaks, WIC, HUD, food stamps, etc…?
most stores carry these items for comparable prices without having to push and shove. Its way overdone.
Really? Where can you get American Hand Matzos for $13 a lb? Where can you get white tuna fish for $50 a case? Where can you get 15 dozen eggs for $20.70? Where can you get quality plastic cups for $10 a case? Where can you get meat for $3.50 a lb? Where can you get chicken for $1.25 a lb? It is not overdone, it is a great help and is greatly appreciated.
To mr taxes FYI the people who organised the function paid thos officers ro be there!!!!!
good point! everyone who needs to be helped should, but there is a greater mitzvah to help talmidei chachamim and being that it’s not very practical to give everyone a farher, they extend it to whomever is learning in kollel. also, this is not set up as a charity for the needy – if you learn you could take, whether or not you are poor. if it would be for the working guy, how should they do it? for everyone? not practical. if you want to come and say that you are needy? think about it. Il ove you anyway!
It was for anybody . You could have ordered also and they would have treated you with a smile .
if these are the prices that the organizers paid for there food products, they need to hire someone to do their purchasing.
or let experienced grocery store owners help with purchasing.
Hey Savvy Shopper . why dont you call them and let them know where they can get the stuff cheaper . The storeowners I know say that most of the items were at or below the wholesale cost to the grocery stores . Im sure the organizers would be interested in getting your sources for cheaper stuff and so would the storeowners who also cant seem to find it for less .
Moadim Lesimcha – thank you for helping.
I love your site and check it many times a day, I have heard of this Moadim LiSimcha distribution and it is wonderful but what bothers me is why is it that I, like many others, aren’t informed of it. I learnt in BMG for over ten years and now have to work to support my large family and need that reduced pricing as much as any Rebbi or Kollel guy. Why don’t they make this info available to the public? I am worse now that I am not able to sit and learn like I would love to do!?
it’s obvious that if this “sale” were public it would hurt the local groceries. The answer is that if you can’t invite everyone, then it should have been kept quiet and not published.
I know one of the tzaddikim that organizes this and its not ONLY for kolel people its marketed for them but I don’t think they would turn down anyone just bec. He’s not in kolel. Also if they would offer it officialy to everyone then they would be undercutting all the stores that also need to make parnossa so its a huge chesed but they need to toe the line beween helping people but not putting local stores out of business
if I could be in charge…..
I hope that everyone has a good Yom Tov. I have a good job but do not make enough money to survive. This would have been a nice way for me to have my first true Simchas Yom Tov in years. I am too embarrassed to ask for help, as I always feel that there is someone who is worse off than me. You never know what is going on behind someone else’s door, so if you are doing this so that all of us can have what to put on our Seder tables then you should include everybody. Till that time, I will suffer quietly in peace with my $70,000 in credit card debt and my utilities bill unpaid.
I have $110,000 of credit card debt and till this year never asked for help. This year I got off my high horse and asked for help, and so should you.
#17, Just proves the point that there are people who are more in need then JJ.
You are right #17 that I should ask for help, but if this program could have involved more people, I would then have a way to get some of the help that I need without being embarrassed about it. As far as my high horse, there are ways that you are able to talk without talking down to someone.
I also owe alot of money to cc but this year would have ordered but did not see any advertisements for it and if i would have come there without a hat i would have gotten all kinds of looks
I went there without a hat. I got no looks.
Yossy is a tzadik
There are other org here in town that did advertise weekly with those same cheap prices, 1 of them is Mifal Shulchan Govoah where anyone bli yotzeh min haklal can get all kinds of food and papergoods for prices way cheaper then npgs, nobody should be too proud to feed they’re family.
i find it difficult to buy at these places because you have to buy by the case and have to lay out alot of money. (even if it is worth it in the long run) and I dont have the cash.