Mississippi Cop Gives Lakewood Driver A Break For Good Deed Of NY Hatzolah Member

A Frum Lakewood resident driving in Mississippi today was repaid for a good deed of a New York Hatzolah member, four years earlier. The resident tells TLS he was driving to the airport in Mississippi when he was pulled over by police for speeding. The officer gets to his window and tells the resident he was doing 78 MPH in a 65 zone.

Apologizing, the driverĀ told the copĀ he hadn’t realized the speed limit had changed back from the previous 70 MPH limit, as it was his first time in the State.

Noticing the driver’s Yarmuka (Kipa), the cop related his story.

“You know what, four years ago, I was with my daughter in New York and she got into a car accident”, the cop says, “and the first person to show up to the scene, was a ‘Hazoolah'”. “You have yourself a nice day, and drive safely”, the officer told the driver.

Amazed at with the connection, the driver smiled and thanked the officer for the courtesy, and he was on his way.

“It’s amazing how he connected the Yarmuka to the Yarmuka”, the driver related to TLS.


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  1. Lesson to be learned: When wearing a yarmuka (or sheitel) you are an advertisement for Yiddishkeit. Your actions (or lack thereof) speak for us all. Please, treat cashiers etc. with respect, don’t litter (escepially with Hiemeshe wrappers), don’t cut people off ,etc. Aside from Chillul Hashem, you may be helping/hurting someone in the future.

  2. #2 or bh,I agree with you,when we were yarmukas we are all judged as one. Another point when your by a cashier or a bank,don’t talk on your cell. Its very disrespectful for the cashier or teller.

  3. I am mamash shepping nachas, I too had a similar story down in Fl. When the officer saw my shaitel and I had a siddur on the dash he just smiled and said I used to be a shabbos goi back in NY I miss does days I’m not going to ticket you and have a merry day

  4. Based on the story the guy was speeding even if it was a 70 mile per hour road. The guy got lucky that he was released from getting a summons but we still need to watch our speeding. Our behavior on the road is also being observed! The safety of our family is also important. Slow down!

  5. I agree the Torah contains the punishment of galus(exile) for inadvertent killing like that which occurs in many car accidents, slow down and bring the geulah closer!!!

  6. The cop was very generous, and I’m happy for the driver. But please, everyone, remember that you are being observed by the public at large and the public has a long memory.

    Don’t pull out of your driveway and cut off other drivers.
    Don’t rush ahead in another lane and cut off other drivers.
    Don’t do a “rolling stop” at a stop sign and cut off other drivers.
    Don’t pull out of a parking space and cut off other drivers.
    Don’t swerve into another lane (even if you switched on your turn signal afterwards) (and even beforehand) and cut off other drivers.

    There’s more, but I’m in a rush now

  7. If it would have been a N.J cop he would have given a ticket anyway, N.J cops dont know what the word warning means they are just high paid tax collectors

  8. Why is the whole south side short of members! Spruce Street, Pine Street, Marc Dr, Carol Pine river Village, Somerset Meadows, and the whole new area up by Albert. Have NO MEMBERS! Stop playing with lives take on MORE GUYS!

  9. on the same note as this story- – – my cleaning lady told me that she is so impressed at how “Jewish mothers talk sweet to their children” that she began to parent better herself… little do we realize how much impact our actions have

  10. @13 I was stopped two days ago “going trough a red light” and could have gotten a ticket, but was given a warning; my own teretz is that 1. I was mochel someone who scraped my car that day and was willing to pay and 2. I immediately was remorseful to Hashem for the hillul hahsem and bad example I had been. But until this, I thought also that NJ cops never overlook a ticketing possibility and even got some amazingly petty tickets..

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