Missionary Approaches Lakewood Man At Wawa

sid rothe bookA Lakewood man tells TLS he was approached by a Missionary at the Wawa on Central Avenue last night. The Missionary, carrying a Bible, approached the Lakewood  resident and began talking to him. After realizing his goal, the resident walked away. The Missionary is described as 40-50  years in age, and an a dark complexion. On March 10th if this year, TLS posted a story where a Messianic book from Sid Roth was sent out to many Lakewood residents via mail. It is unknown at this time if the incidents are related. TLS-CCP

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  1. I was recently approached by a missionary on the streets of manhattan. He was in his high teens, dark beard, and he asked me if I had put on tefillin yet that day.

  2. For those who are confused by this story, missionary activity to lure Jews to other faiths is unwelcome by the Orthodox Jewish community – strong believers of Jewish values and laws. In fact, this type of missionary activity is considered offensive. By the same token Orthodox Jews will not be found missionizing to people of other faiths. The example of the bearded man offering the use of tefillin is not one of missionizing to people outside of the faith, rather it is sharing this mitzvah with other Jews who may not otherwise be aware of it or have the opportunity.

    Yes, this is newsworthy for those in our community. We will now be alert and be able to protect our children as well.

  3. UMMM there is no WAWA on Central Ave..that WAWA you speak of is in Jackson on E Veteran’s Highway and North Hope Rd. That is not in our town..we only have the wawa on squankum & e county line rd.

    but thanks for the information

  4. Central turns into East Veterans Highway (and turns into Hurley Avenue going the other way). The Wawa is located Jackson, but the writer only noted that this specific individual is a resident of Lakewood.

  5. Dear Robber, They are not robbing you, if your faith is so weak and fragile that you feel so threatened by this, maybe you should have a talk with your Rebbe.

  6. May be if you took the time to learn about other peoples faiths, you wouldn’t be discriminated against. In the end aren’t we all gods children.

  7. I’m sure ppl would get pretty annoyed if the Orthodox community was to go around doing the same thing to them…So pls follow the rule and Love your neighbor as YOURSELF!

  8. to 19,maybe if you learn about others faith ,you would be less narrow minded .Because off America you can practice your religion so freely

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