Mispallelim At Bais Medrash Kol Aryeh Helping Members With Making Pesach

Kol aryeah pesach order picPHOTOS: With the sky-high prices of groceries and other Pesach-related items which burden a typical family before Pesach, a group of Baalei Batim from Bais Medrash Kol Aryeh have spent the last few weeks of their time to ensure the Mispallim of their Shul can enjoy a hassle-free and affordable Pesach. The group gave out sign-up sheets to all wished to purchase groceries for Pesach at cost price. Understandably, a large amount of Mispallelim signed up and a warehouse was rented out to accommodate the large amount of orders. This morning, several Bachurim were on site to assist with placing the orders in the families’ vehicles.

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  1. To my rebbe Reb Moshe Peretz shlita You amaze and inspire all of us who have become kol aryeh chassidim in the last few years…your concern and sacrifice for our kehilla has become the trademark that all kehillos emulate .In only such a small amount of time our mora deasra has built kehilos kol aryeh into a beautiful mokoim. We hope to continue as proud talmidim of yours in toira and gemills chassadim… thank you richie ,ari, shimshi,avrohom,lazer,chaim s , yussi,moishe,shea,chanania,duddi,schmuli w ,hertzy,moishe,and our chusiva rosh kollel reb nuchum kass,and always heshy A, the green mishpacha and our gabbai rav hochman …

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