‘Mishna Daily’ Enters Its Second Year Tomorrow

‘Mishna Daily’, ‘finishing all of Shas Mishnayos in just 4 years’, will be entering its second year, and starting Moed Beis, Mesechtas Yuma tomorrow (Monday). Over 1,200 are currently enrolled in the program, which will complete Shisha Sidrei Mishna in three years, by Learning the 3 Mishnayos each day.

Each day, ‘Mishna Daily’ sends out an email with the text of the day’s 3 Mishnayos, along with an audio link to play the shiur explaining the Mishnayos as well. The shiur is also available by telephone.

The program is run by Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway.

You can join by clicking here, or by sending an email to [email protected]. TLS.

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  1. After someone dies in gan eiden they will be able to learn everything they learnt in this world. It says if you learn all the mishnoyis its considered you learnt the whole torah.

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