Misaskim: A young mother of three children went into cardiac arrest two weeks ago. With Syata Dshmaya, the emergency medical team was able to revive her. All of her vital organs responded well, with the exception of the vital circulation of her hands and feet.
Due to the urgency of the hour, a life-saving operation was performed in which her hands were removed. Today at 9 AMthere is another life saving operation that Will necessitate the removal of her feet. The operation will last for four hours.
We realize the critical moments that face this young mother her family and all of us in Klal Yisroel.
Please join thousands of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel in Saying Tehillim and learning on her behalf. We ask all Schools whether in an assembly, a classroom program or individually to let us beseech the Heavens for Rachamim at this critical hour.
In the Zechus of our Tefilos may this precious Bas Yisrael get the Refuah that she needs together with all those who await their Refuah .
חיה מלכה אסתר בת צפורה
ויבשר לנו בשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות !
Let us join together with this family and divide up tehillim as a zecus for this young mother.
I will say פרק א-י
is the family in need of financial help?
כא – כב
I can’t breathe calmly after reading this. May Hashem have mercy on this family and may all the sick merit a speedy recovery. I will say chaf alef through lamed.
Bsuros tovos and yeshuos.
32-35 inclusive