Misaskim Reminds You To Stay Safe This Chanukah

child menorahChanukah – the Yom Tov of light is here! Everyone is preparing for this special Yom Tov. In school, children are learning about the nes Chanukah, the miracle of Chanukah. In the shops, families are busy buying oil, wicks, and candles for their menorahs. And everyone is planning exciting Chanukah parties! But at the Fire Department, firefighters are busy, too. They are doing an important job. They are making sure that everyone stays safe this Chanukah. The Fire Department is asking families to be especially careful on Chanukah. Here are some rules to help families stay safe on Chanukah:
misaskim fire safety

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  1. I’m not trying to be critical but why do we need people to tell us something which is such common sense???duh if your lighting a fire be extra safe!!! I guess some people out there really need the reminder

  2. What is misaskim? Is a Fire dept? I think some of the rules mentioned should be followed year round and not just on Hanukah. Another thing we do is we place our menora on a aluminum pan that it catches the wax and that if G-D forbid it was to fall over it falls on the pan that is not flammable. Happy hanukah and holidays to all.

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