Misameach: On Purim we go into Overdrive, and can use your Volunteerism

misameach[Submitted by Misameach] Every day of the year, Misameach upholds its mission to bring joy to the sick and the home-bound and their families. On Purim, though, as the world outside rejoices, the urgency of that mission increases a hundredfold and Misameach therefore goes into overdrive.

Dozens and dozens of dedicated volunteers bring the spirit of Purim to the people who need it most, singing, dancing and bearing gifts. The smiles and laughter they leave in their wake make their work so very satisfying, and the zechusim they garner are immeasurable.

You too can be a part of this incredible movement! Even if you are not a regular Misameach volunteer, Misameach can use your help to keep up with the demand for their services on Purim day and night.

To volunteer, please contact Misameach. If you or someone you know can benefit from a Misameach visit on Purim, please contact Misameach as well. 7325342551 or email [email protected]

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