Minyan Shelanu Shabbaton Photos & Chinese Auction Winners

PHOTOS of the Minyan Shelanu Shabbaton held this past Shabbos at the Doubletree Hilton in Somerset, NJ. Following an uplifitng Shabbos, the group enjoyed a lavish Melaveh Malka with song and dance, which featured a Chinese Auction and more.

To view the winners, click here.

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  1. I love the minyan shelanu!!
    Rabbi abadi does endless ammounts of chesed for the klall. The autmosphere in the minyan is of a family. Kudson to all who helped put together the beautiful shabbos! I heard it was amazing.

  2. keep up all your amazing work Rabbi Abadi & ACE.its time to go into politics so you can help the entire lakewood out like you help the minyan shelanu. we really need more people like you around to save lakewood


  3. thanxs to everyone that made this shabbos spectacular
    a big thank you to ACE,MOSHE MIZRAHI,URI SHOSHANA,SIMCHA SHAIN and lets not forget the one and only RABBI CHAIM ABADI SHLITA

  4. to 4 joe:
    not impressed with what???

    Minyan Shelanu is “THE only place in Lakewood” where EVERYONE can, and does, come for ANY sort of help or support!! Be it a yeshiva-man, parent, in-law, teen, layman, yeshivish, not yeshivish, litvish, chasidish, sefardish, taymanish, etc.

    Minyan Shelanu has made numerous Melava Malkas on sporadic Motzoei shabbosim. There were large turnouts. They have mesibas for Chanuka, Purim, etc. They have a major shabbaton with numerous inspiring rabbonim and askonim in attendance. They also have mini-shabbatons throughout the year.

    They have shiurim given by prominent (yeshivish, litvish, chasidish, sefardish) Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim, and Askonim.There are daily – TWO minyanim for shachris, a minyan for mincha, night seder with chavrusos and maariv.

    They serve breakfast and supper six days a week.

    Minyan Shelanu has sent numerous boys to learn in yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel.


    The minyan is a place where you may see a boy with long hair saying yehei shmay rabbah ‘bekol koichoy’! Yes THOSE boys are OUR boys, OUR children, OUR klal Yisroel,OUR MINYAN– where every yochid feels that he CAN belong, and that belonging can keep THEM all afloat in order to keep THEM as part of US!!

    Remember: These are OUR children! YES, OUR children! Not from NY or elsewhere. No parent should have to ever experience these trying situations.

    So, I take this opportunity to publicly say THANK YOU! to:
    -the one and only – Rabbi Chaim Abadi Shlit”a,
    -All the Rabbis,
    -the guys,
    -and everyone else at Minyan Shelanu
    for your constant, consistent, 24/7/365, caring, VOLUNTEER work!

  5. To Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Abadi shlit”a
    Chazak V’ematz!! G-d should give u the strength to continue all your wondeful CHESED!

    To everyone else: (& joe)
    How many people have parnasah thru ur help?
    How many marriages have u saved?
    How many people have u taught savlanus to?
    How many people are religious today thru u?
    How many people stayed in yeshiva thru u?
    How many people went back to yeshiva thru ?
    How many girls are frum eishes chayils thru u?
    How many boys daven thru u?
    How many people put on tefilin bec. of u?
    How many people smile bec. of u?
    How many lives did u have a positive effect on?
    ETC. ETC.

    If you’ve answered ‘one person’ to even only one of the above questions – ashrecha!

    PLEASE realize that Rabbi Abadi can answer EVERY Single question (above) with HIGH numbers, bli ayin harah.


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