In conjunction with the Tarlow family, Minyan Shelanu has embarked on a new project to renovate their Game Room to a new state of the art drop-in center.
The new project is in memory of Habachur Yossi Tarlow Z”L, a Talmud at Minyan Shelanu, who was Niftar in 2012 at the age of 29.
“For all those who knew Yossi knows that Minyan Shelanu and specifically the GameRoom was a big part of Yossi’s life,” Minyan Shelanu said today. “Yossi was instrumental in developing the original GameRoom and felt that this was the catalyst that propelled the teenagers that needed it into the right direction.”
The new Game Room will serve as a central hub for all the teen-based activities at the Minyan focusing on growth and development for those that have not yet been successful in the mainstream system.
To learn more about Minyan Shelanu or to take part in Yossi’s Gameroom please visit thier website here.
Wow! wEE!
Minyan is the best!
keep up your amazing avodas Hakodesh work Rabbi Abadi, Lakewood could not manage without you. We all owe you a dept of gratitude for all the mesiras nefes you do for our children & the chizzuk you give them.
There is NO organization in the entire Lakewood (& probably in the whole world) like Minyan Shelanu.
They were and are matzil tens of yidisheh neshamos daily. I personally know of SEVENTEEN boys that went back to the proper derech thru the tdirection of the selfless tireless Rabbi Chaim Abadi shlit”a!
Every caring yid – mamesh has a chiyuv to support this place!
keep up the GREAT work!
I drop by every once in a while atthe minyan. What R Chaim R’ Uri & Horav Kesserman hav done is amazing. Bochurim come in there, who every Yeshiva in America gave up on them a LONG time ago, theyre greeted w/ a smile, no judging. Just love. Then they give them food & guide them to a chavrusa or a shiur. Its far from poshut what theyre achieving. May this be a zchus for R Yossi, zt”l.
I personally know two choshuve bochurim who learn in the Minyan every morning without any fanfare.
They are hard working individuals who work for the klal. They have grown immensely through the work of Rabbi Chaim Abadi, R’ Yehuda G, & R’ Shimon S.
Everyone in Lakewood should stop in to check it out for themselves
Mamesh a nachas!
Yossi Tarlow was a ohv kol adam!
it’s hard to find a friend like he was!
The minyan is a place that services lakewood klal like no other.At the rate of heilige neshomos out of yeshiva these days who else would take them in with wide open hands.Thank you rabbi abadi and rabbi meshulem s for all your hard work.
This should be a zechus for Yossi… a true friend to all who were zoche to know him!