The Shulchan Aruch says that one who sees the budding fruit trees during the month of Nisan should make a bracha. The Mishnah Brurah says that the bracha may be said anytime one sees the budding fruit trees for the first time that year even if it is not the month of Nisan. However the Minchas Yitzchok (10:16) says that this is only true in a climate that the trees bud at a different time of the year, such as in Australia that the trees bud in Tishrei not in Nisan. In such a case the bracha may be said at that time even though it is not Nisan. However in climates similar to Eretz Yisrael that the trees bud at the time of Nisan many Poskim hold that the bracha may only be said in Nisan, even if you find a tree budding after Nisan. Therefore if you didn’t make the bracha in Nisan you may say it but without Shem Hashem.
Minchas Yitzchok: Can You Say Bircas Ha’Ilanos After the Month of Nisan?

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גם על זה כמדומני שיש חולקים
TEKUFAS Nissan, not CHODSH Nissan.
When does Tekufas Nissan end?
Mid to late June.