Miles 4 Life: Giving your Miles a new set of Wings – Like Angels in the Sky

miles 4 life[COMMUNICATED] We live in a time of so much chesed, where Klal Yisroel gives for the sake of giving, extolling a tremendous amount of assistance to the needy among us.

Oftentimes, benefactors express feelings that they only wish they can give more. However, budgets can constrain the bnei rachmanim among us.

Witness to the many patients, some as little as a few days old, Miles for Life/ Kanfei Chayim began just a few short months ago. The organization was founded on the premise of providing plane tickets for patients to hospitals and facilities nationwide, utilizing mileage that is being accrued by many of our fellow brothers and sisters. Together, we can turn mileage accounts into lifesaving funds to sponsor tickets for patients. You can hold their hand, as they face the unknown, with a new set of hope in their hearts. Whereas they couldn’t afford the trip to a specialist abroad, you can be their ticket to a refuah sheleima.

Your mileage account can be the equivalent to a blood bank in terms of saving a life. MFL pairs allocated miles to a potential match in terms of flight to miles compatibility, maximizing the usage of every mile. Unlike any other organization, no dollar of your ‘donation’ gets subsidized for staff or marketing budgets. Every single mile given is a lifeline for those who need to fly to their shaliach in their quest for a cure.

Potentially, MFL really does give your miles a set of wings in 3D, since we can procure the travel amenities for a patient to the Cleveland Clinic, valued at $585 in airfare, from a mere 7500 British Airway Miles, whereas that same set of miles would have earned you just $75.

It’s just another way of seeing the exponential bracha when yidden unite to save lives.

milesInstead of just saving miles for a rainy day or another getaway via air travel, save those miles for Miles for Life. Let the mileage take off, like angels in the sky, spreading their wings toward refuahs and yeshuos for all of Klal Yisroel!

How it works:
*Members provide their mileage account information, along with preference as to how many miles they’re willing to donate.
*MFL tracks the information in the mileage database.
*When a ticket is needed, an experienced agent matches the mileage based on maximum usage, using low mileage accounts for local airfare, etc.
*The matching sponsor gets contacted to approve the mileage transfer.
*Upon approval, the lifesaving match is made and a ticket is granted to the patient in question.

MFL facts:
*over 50 tickets are booked WEEKLY by MFL.
*MFL books tickets for patients affiliated with RCCS, Refuah Helpline, Vital One and more.

MFL inspiration:
There’s barely a day when the eyes of MFL volunteers are dry. Recounts of our many recipients and donors flood the call lines with stories that show siyata dishmaya and enable us to go on.

*Of giving and receiving:
A MFL sponsor approved a mileage amount which was matched to a patient with the same last name. Turns out one brother was instrumental in providing a plane ticket for his very own brother’s child,flying to Mayo Clinic for brain tumor treatment R”L! Unknowingly, he gave his brother a lifeline, whereas monetarily he may not have been capable of doing so.

*On the giving end:
Sponsors share stories of open miracles, where medical scans come back clean, lives are spared, and tragedies are averted, in the wake of a mileage donation.

To be a part of the MFL lifesaving team, contact us at:
T- 845-492-3131
E- Info@milesforlife

Visit us online for more information:

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  1. Miles for Life is the real deal! They have been instrumental in helping so many patients. I had two family members who personally benefited from their service. Keep up your good work!!

  2. This organization is literally life saving ! My daughter was deathly ill, she was dying, and the only option was very specific treatment on the West Coast. Regular tickets were $1500 a flight. Kanfei Chaim never once let me down….. Not only did they arrange, book and “pay” for each flight, but it was done in the most incredibly caring and warm way.They arranged over 10 flights for me. My daughter recovered b”H and she says it is only due to the constant visits and support that she is where she is today. We owe her life to Kanfei Chaim.

  3. Juggling between a multitude of appointments, hospitalizations, and procedures are only a part of the ordeal when faced with serious illness. Added to that is, coping with daily housework, maintaining a job and tending to other members of the family. And of course the pain, fear and turmoil that comes along with all of this. Who can still cope with financial stress of all the expenses that arise as we aim to give our child a chance to obtain the very best in superlative medical care?
    Miles for Life, although they never met us, came forward with stunning efficiency. No drawn out long procedures or forms to fill out. No dragging us around with additional red-tape bureaucracy. One phone call and you got the ball rolling.
    We have no words to express our heartfelt gratitude. They lightened our burden tremendously. enabled us to consult with top notch experts, and most of all it was done so humbly and kindly.
    We wish them much s’yata d’shmaya in this very worthy cause and remain truly indebted to all of klal Yisroel that donated miles toward our tickets.

  4. As a grateful recipient of kanfei chaim’s lifesaving trips I wish to spread the word about their devotion and discretion as they help anxious patients and families.

  5. Miles for life provided tickets for us to take our son to see a specialist in Ohio. We could not afford to pay for tickets and they came through with such grace and warmth. This organization is amazing.

  6. When thrown into a medical situation that is life threatening, the roof comes crashing down on you. All of a sudden we need a community of support to help us through the process. When we found a lead to a medical miracle in Chicago we knew that we will need countless tickets to a from the hospital, but how are we going to pay for all this? Then we heard of miles for life and from there on it was a first class luxury ride throughout the whole time. They provIded us and still are providing us with tickets to and from and back and forth the University of Illinois, no questions asked. They have literally taken our case on their wings and are doing it with such kovod and dedication. They even took care of check in and all we had to do was board the plane. The Chesed they do is beyond words and the way they do it knocks me speechless. Everyone out there giving mileage to this organization is not only saving lives, they are saving families, Doris, worlds!!!!!! You should all be gebencht!!!!! Kudos to miles for life!!!!

  7. we are very grateful to Kanfei Chayim. aside for the actual service of providing free transportation to and from medical facilities, they also have a professional and concerned staff who treat each case as if this is their business and follow the trip and any related issues with a human touch of care. thank you to all the miles donors too!

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