Miami Hatzalah’s Founder, A Former Lakewood Resident, Gets His Stolen Lifesaving Equipment Returned

Zalman Cohen, the founder of Miami Hatzalah and a nearly 20 year Lakewood resident, is glad to have his Hatzalah equipment back after it was stolen from his emergency vehicle. Cohen tells TLS, the equipment was stolen from his Suburban about 10 days ago after a thief broke into it, and made away with thousands of dollars of communication and lifesaving equipment.

Today however, several days after the story was made public, Zalman Cohen has the equipment back.

Cohen tells TLS Hatzalah received an anonymous phone call saying where they could find the stolen equipment. It was located near a dumpster, with its contents still inside.

“It’s Siyatta D’shmaya”, Zalman tells TLS. “Hashem rewards those who do good for others”.

Cohen founded the Miami Hatzalah team approximately 2 years ago, with 21 members. The group now has close to 50 members and covers North Miami beach, Highland Lakes, Aventura and Miami Beach.

View a video report from WSVN here. TLS.

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