Mi K’amcha Yisroel!

Thursday morning, a Baal Simcha making a wedding last night reached out to TLS to send out a message requesting assistance with transporting family members to appointments around town. The response was overwhelming.

The resident sent us the following update:

“Can you please put this message on the Lakewood Scoop: A huge thank you to the volunteer drivers with 4WD’s who gave hours of their time to ferry wedding guests and family members to their appointments and to wedding halls – from the morning through the evening.

The response was overwhelming with some volunteers doing hours of driving and multiple shifts.

The outpouring of chessed was unreal and more than 100 carpools were arranged. It was so beautiful that everyone contributed so graciously and made it possible for the baalei simchos tonight to have their guests participate!

May you all be gebentched with many simchas!”

UPDATE: The brother of the girl who coordinated the efforts, sent in the following:

“Let me share with you what happened: A Lakewood girl got a phone call from a friend that her family is making a wedding and they have no way to get to the appointments, so this girl sent out a message via the Scoop to see if anyone is willing to help out, the response was overwhelming and unbelievable! She then got phone calls from another 3 families that were making weddings in Lakewood if she can please help them out too. So she sat from 9:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night coordinating arranging and making sure all these familes arrangements were going smooth without a hitch! At finally 11:00 at night she found herself a ride and headed to her friend’s wedding! That’s a true balas chessed! Mi keamcha Yisroel!”

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  1. I am a friend of one of the kallahs, and it was amazing how we all got there so efficiently! Thank you to the coordinator of all this!! The wedding was packed due to this chessed…

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