Message from the Lakewood Postmaster

usps post offc lakewood[Submitted by the Lakewood Postmaster] We are starting a Sunday Amazon operation, starting November 14th through January 10th, 2016. So starting November 14th customers will be able to drop off parcels, letters and flats from 9am-5pm and the mail will be dispatched at 5:30pm to ensure the mail is delivered within our service standards and provide excellent customer service in Lakewood.

Thank you for sharing this will all the Customers in Lakewood.

D. Colby

Postmaster Lakewood

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  1. Btw
    You have no idea how important this news topic is to Lkwd

    There are over 1000 Amazon sellers in lkwd

    And literally hundreds of millions going thru their system from here
    I bet lkwd is the Anaxon capital of America

  2. Service standards? Why does my mail 2-3 weekly that is clearly addressed go to my neighbors? Usually the much needed checks people sending me. Causes delay often.

  3. Forgive my ignorance but for some (many?) of us this article gives too little information. Is this service ONLY for Amazon sellers, or now that they’ll accept mail anyway on Sunday can anyone avail themselves of this and mail non-Amazon mail and packages as well?

  4. Hey anon
    There’s over 120,000 people in lkwd right now
    It’s more like one in every 1100 people

    You could prob type in 08701 and see what comes up

    Maybe I was exaggerating with 1000
    But there’s def a lot
    It’s a great business to b in if your learning or stuck at home with a baby

  5. Excellent customer service indeed…. My mail is also delivered to my neighbors, different ones each time, at least twice a week on average. When you call the Lakewood office nothing happens other than an annoyed representative telling you they’ll ‘look into it’. Someone isn’t doing their job sufficiently.

    On more than a few occasions, I scheduled a home pick up for multiple packages and they never showed up. I somehow still got an email confirming a successful pickup. When I called customer service they claimed the pickup request wasn’t in their system. Yet, I was able to show them my scheduled confirmation and the pick up confirmation. Why are they sending me a successful pick up confirmation when they never picked it up. Again, the customer service rep, exceedingly annoyed at my having disturbed their day, denied that I was in the system and told me to reschedule.
    So … excellent customer service indeed…

  6. Stop complaining about mail mistakes. I bet you would mess up everyone once in a while if you handled mail. Give people some slack, I am sure you can use some yourself as well.

  7. huh?: I agree its not so clear. My understanding is that because they will be dealing with Amazon on Sundays and the branch will be open, you can now drop off packages–even non amazon ones, for regular service.

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