Message from Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles

Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles released the following message to TLS:

“I may be away but I am staying I touch. Pat Donnelly has over 100 pieces of equipment out taking care of roads and was even able to do garbage pickup till noon and run the morning bus routes.

While the snow may be ending this afternoon, high winds will keep it blowing around. Please tell everyone to take extra care if they have to go out today.

Please do not throw snow back into the street while clearing cars, sidewalks and driveways. If possible make sure all storm drain grates are cleaned as well.

Thanks again to all the public works employees, contractors, OEM, police department and especially to all the volunteers out helping keep Lakewood safe.

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  1. What happen to my garbage pickup that was change to Thursday after the first of the year , snow plows hit the garbage can and recycle can they may be broken in the old pine a acres ,and throw in my yard

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