To the entire Lakewood community I profess my deep gratitude. Thank you for providing me with this most valuable and auspicious opportunity, to become a member of the Lakewood Board of Education. I am greatly honored and humbled. I will, Iy”h, work my hardest to ensure that my victory will be a resounding victory for the residents and students of Lakewood.
I moved to Lakewood over 25 years ago. Back then, Lakewood was a small town with a small town feel. As I watched Lakewood grow from a total population of 45 thousand into a metropolis of over 100,000, I grew with it. With amazing growth comes great responsibilities. I look forward to participating in fostering the growth of all Lakewood’s students and helping them maximize their potential.
My story is like so many others. Shortly after graduating high school, I enrolled in OCC, eventually obtaining my A.A. degree. I then attended Rutgers University where I received my B.A. in Political Science. After starting a family, I enrolled in Daemen College where I acquired a Masters in Special Education, concurrently employed full time. Presently, I am a certified teacher of Students with Disabilities employed in a local school as a Teacher of the Handicapped.
My experiences in a variety of professional settings have afforded me opportunities to work with supervisors and support staff in many diverse areas. This has enabled me to execute and complete varied projects swiftly and efficiently. Moreover, I have gained a strong understanding of the importance of researching target audiences, providing them with a high level of service and servicing their needs effectively.
Lastly, I have successfully worked independently and as part of a team. I have acquired the skills necessary to adapt quickly to the various challenges I have confronted.
To all Lakewood residents both parents and students, I again express my most profound appreciation for your support. I look forward to utilizing my experience and knowledge to serve you to the best of my abilities.
Sincerely yours,
Chanina Nakdimen
Chains, I am so happy for You!
I wish you much success!!
Was very excited when I heard you won.
Go get um. Hope you can make some great impacts!
BH Chania Nakdimen will improve The Lakewood Board Education and he will do his very best job. We are happy he won.
Chanina,theres so much knowledge you have in Education.I truly believe Lakewood will benefit from your knowledge and input!
Congrats and best of luck!
We voted for you because you professed to make a change in the status quo. Actions will speak louder than words. Fix the mess.
Congrats!!! Wish you tons of success
Mr. Nakdimen is a principled man who turns words into actions.
Great energy and attitude for the position!