Mesivta of Eatontown: Ski Trip Leaves in 4 Days; Last Chance to Enter Raffle

ski trip 2016-page-001[COMMUNICATED] There is one mosad in town that is open to every bochur who still wants another chance, and that is the Mesivta of Eatontown.

Please partake in this tremendous avodas hakodesh so that we can continue to never say no.

This is the last chance to join our $10,000 raffle. The drawing will take place bez’h during our annual Vermont ski trip this week.

The ski trip is also a unique time for anyone to join and get to know and see the yeshiva first hand.

Please see flyer for more information, and click here to enter the raffle.

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  1. MOE is the most amazing moisad out there! ! The Rabbaim, and their families, give over their lives for the bochurim! They should continue to be matzliach in all their work!
    Rabbi Mermelstein, you’re the BEST!

  2. The rebbeim at MOE are unbelievable! So dedicated to each talmid with unconditional care. We are so thankful that our son was given a second chance and will be iy”H graduating this June. Thank you.
    Very greatful parents

  3. MOE-the warmest yeshiva around! I’ve seen it all first hand. I’ve gone on many trips and shabbosim with the boys and rebbeim. I happen to know the entire hanhallah personally-R’ sender Kaszirer, R mermelstein, R Meisels, R Modche Kaszirer, and R Yehuda Neuwirth! What I have seen over the many times I was with them in action, really amazes me and brings tears of joy to think of how such wonderful people would take in struggling boys-boys who are having a difficult time in a regular alef class-boys who can show their true colors if only a close rebbe understands them and cares for them to the fullest. At MOE every single boy is given that chance. I was just sitting with one of the rebbeim yesterday when a boy who is now learning in eretz Yisroel called his rebbe to ask him what size skis the rebbe thinks He should buy. I thought it was funny, but the rebbe told me “do u chap, these boys feel so close to me and so connected that they’ll call from Israel to ask me a simple question. U should’ve seen the smile of the rebbes face! u have to see it to believe it.
    Please buy a raffle and help MOE continue to grow and help the many more boys who could use their help.

  4. I don’t necessarily agree that skiing is appropriate outlet for any teenager ie Yeshiva Bochur.

    I do agree that for the Talmidim of MOE it’s a wonderful trip.

  5. To the “Mechanech”… and why not? It’s not exactly the place to discuss this, but what’s wrong with going skiing for a yeshiva bochur???? Of course, it’s everyone personal decision, but if yeshiva could provide a outlets for the boys, and let them have fun in “kosher” supervised atmosphere, during days, when it’s no yeshiva. Then, I think, we won’t need yeshiva’s like Eatontown. You can’t say no to everything. It’s would be more beneficial for them and they will learn much better after…why not do more things for the boys in yeshivas? Like jym, or any other healthy outlets… if we would do this, they don’t have to look for “fun and exciting things” to do somewhere else

  6. Written well, indeed. As a part-time staff member of MOE I can attest to the warmth and acceptance the Rebbeim afford each and every talmid. I shudder to think where these boys would be if MOE didnt open their hearts and home to them. If you can & you feel you or your kids need a break, go on this trip. Skiing is a very healthy outlet for an active kid. I try to take my kids skiing every year. And even if not, please support this heilegeh moisad any way you can. Tizku L’Mitzvos

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