[COMMUNICATED] On Sunday, June 5, 2016, parents, alumni, friends and supporters of Mesivta of Eatontown will come together at Ne’emas Hachaim to celebrate A Decade of Building Miracles. This dinner has special significance to us and to all of Yeshiva’s supporters, marking a milestone in the Yeshiva’s history and achievements. The dinner theme – A Decade of Celebrating Miracles – has multiple connotations in expressing ten years of triumph over overwhelming odds.
Mesivta of Eatontown was founded on the premise that a Yeshiva environment is an absolute necessity for every bochur regardless of his circumstances. With this firm conviction, the Rosh Hayeshiva went about building a Mesivta framework that would work for bochurim who did not fit the mold of the typical Mesivtos. Rabbi Kaszirer’s efforts were widely supported by mechanchim and rabbonim for across the spectrum. But many were skeptical about the long term viability of such a Yeshiva.
The challenges were sometimes overwhelming. But, with copious amounts of Siyatta DiShmaya, extreme dedication of the Rosh Yeshiva and his staff, coupled with the faith and partnership of supporters, the Yeshiva has not only persevered, but thrived and blossomed. Hundreds of bochurim’s lives have been transformed, emerging as fine, well-rounded individuals, with a strong commitment to Torah.
This year’s dinner pays tribute to a very prominent lineup of honorees who have each in their own been an integral part of the miracles at Mesivta of Eatontown. Dr. and Mrs. Ari Krug will be serving as our Guests of Honor. The Krugs are firsthand witnesses to the achievements of our Yeshiva, graciously hosting many of the bochurim in their open home on many occasions.
Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Yeshaya Mermelstein will be presented with the Rebbe of Distinction Award. As the yeshiva’s beloved 11th grade rebbe for eight years, Rabbi Mermelstein is an integral part of the Yeshiva and the miracles it is celebrating. Mr. and Mrs. Akiva Solkowitz will be honored with the Founding Talmid Award. Indeed, Akiva is a true sense of pride for the Yeshiva and its supporters.
The Yeshiva’s ten years of triumph over overwhelming odds is a milestone achievement reached only through the dedicated partnership of dear friends and supporters. In honor of this occasion, the Yeshiva is asking friends and supporters to consider extending their partnership and doing a little more so that they can redouble their efforts and expand their vital work, yielding beautiful miracles for Klal Yisroel.
Not only did Mesivta of Eatontown change the life of our son, MOE changed the lives of our entire family! Yasher koach!