Mesamche Lev offices deluged with orders as Power Auction Deadline nears

ml[COMMUNICATED] By: Frimet Blum. As the January 5 deadline for Mesamche Lev’s upcoming Power Auction nears, excitement in the organization’s Boro Park headquarters is reaching a feverish pitch. Scores of volunteers are manning the phone banks, people who hosted pre-auction parties are dropping off auction orders, and stacks of free gifts are being prepared for shipping.

Power Auction fever has hit the entire community. People are thrilled to have the chance to win valuable prizes worth thousands for as little as six dollars; and to receive free gifts for as little as sixty reward points. Unlike most auctions, where the lower priced selections generally offer toys, dolls, and other low-value prizes, the Power Auction’s lowest-priced level offers valuable wins such as a Florida getaway, two thousand dollars in Hostess International, and similar offerings. The Power Wins add an extra dimension to the auction.

“The helicopter ride is just up my alley,” said Moshe T. of Flatbush. “It would be thrilling; something to remember forever. I hope I win.” The helicopter ride is a Power Win that comes along with a major prize, a three thousand dollar insurance package that would take a significant burden off any family with a home or car. The prize costs just twelve dollars. Toby U. of Williamsburg entered to win a custom kitchen, for twenty four dollars.

“I’m renovating my home,” she said. “If I win, it’ll be a windfall.” The kitchen prize comes with a Power Win of two hundred dollars worth of Artscroll books. “I think I’ll buy cookbooks with the money,” Toby says. “They’ll complete my kitchen.” She is quick to add that she feels like she already won the auction.

“I gave $100, and got a beautiful serving platter with my Reward Points.” Toby had a hard time choosing what gift to get with her points. “All of the gifts are fantastic,” she said. Luckily, she ordered early enough. Mesamche Lev is so inundated with requests for free gifts; several items are already sold out.

For many participants, the main draw of the auction is the fact that it supports Mesamche Lev. Proceeds from the auction will support the organization’s many programs benefitting the poor. Some of the more famous Mesamche Lev programs are the bi-annual Yom Tov distributions, where eleven thousand families receive meat, groceries, and holiday essentials; the massive shoe distribution, where forty two thousand children get new shoes; and the orphan bride program, that marries off some one hundred fifty yesomim each year. Mesamche Lev also supports widows and orphans here in the United States.

“The Power Auction is very important, because it is going to go a long way towards funding our programs,” says Rabbi Tzvi Friedman of Mesamche Lev. “Every auction ticket you buy helps us feed another child, buy another pair of shoes, or marry off an orphan.”

You can enter the Power Auction ONLINE HERE, or by calling the auction hotline at 877-677-1313. The auction deadline is January 5, 2016.


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