Membership at Lakewood’s WeShoot Skyrockets in Response to Supreme Court Ruling; Guns Flying off Shelves

Since last week’s supreme court gun ruling, the phones at the WeShoot gun range in Lakewood have not stopped ringing, the owners tell TLS.

Proprietor Mark Abady says they have been inundated with phone calls and messages inquiring about the new supreme court ruling, and what it means for gun owners across New Jersey.

“Our thousands of members want clarification,” says Abady. “This ruling is having a tremendous impact, and people are excited, but at the same time want to clarify the process which would allow them to carry.”

Since the ruling, membership has skyrocketed, as residents look to train on a constant basis, now that they could be carrying without justifiable need. Guns are also flying off the shelves, WeShoot says, especially carry-size.

But buying a gun doesn’t give you a license to carry, Abady cautions.

“First of all, you must make sure you have a permit to carry,” says Abady. “This ruling doesn’t give you an automatic license to carry. Additionally, carrying a weapon requires a high level of skill, and constant training is imperative.”

In response to the high demand, WeShoot has announced multiple training classes – including NRA Basic Pistol classes, CCW classes and more. Most classes are filled up immediately after announcement.


(To be alerted about upcoming classes, you can follow them on WhatsApp Status or on their website.)

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  1. Initially, I thought I had seen drones flying all around Lakewood, then, I thought it might be UFO’s – until I realized there were guns flying off the shelves, and actually ascending into the sky!

  2. The studies are clear: Gun owners are no safer than non-gun owners but they feel safer. It’s all in the mind & based on Kochi Veotzem Yodi. A Yid gets his sense of safety from the Rebino Shel Olom & doesn’t need this psychological crutch to feel safe. Gun owners have high levels of suicide & increased risk to family members’ safety.
    You are no safer owning a gun, it’s not a form of hishtadlus, it’s a hobby that’s time consuming & can lead to more danger.
    Take the money & time & spend it with your family & doing avodas Hashem, that will pay you real returns.
    Gun ownership is a fad & not something we should be pursuing as an Oved Hashem.
    Do your research before getting swepped along with this fad.

  3. Yes it was a great think that Supreme Court affirmed our right to protect ourself not some N.J. scheme that N.J. made up the n order to deny are bill of rights that’s all true but realize we are yidden and as yidden we don’t have glorify guns if we need a gun for shul or school or family or protection do we have to talk about it it’s available now for us just keep it under the raps

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