Legislation Assemblymen Troy Singleton, John J. Burzichelli and Reed Gusciora sponsored to add an extra layer of verification to the process of issuing and renewing disability identification placards used by motorists to access disabled parking has been approved by an Assembly panel.
“Instances of abuse involving individuals with disability parking tags were first brought to my attention by a concerned constituent with a severe disability who had firsthand experience with the problem,” said Singleton (D-Burlington). “After listening to her concerns and talking to my colleagues, we came up with what we think is a simple, yet effective, way to address the problem.”
Under current law, “handicapped” placards issued to individuals with a disability do not have an expiration date. This has led to situations in which individuals who received a tag while temporarily disabled continued to use the tag – and the privileges it confers – even after it is no longer needed.
Under the Singleton/Burzichelli/Gusciora bill, the following changes would be made concerning the issuance and renewal of temporary and permanent identification cards and placards for individuals with disabilities:
The term “handicapped” would be replaced with “person with a disability” in keeping with current state law that requires offensive or outmoded terminology be replaced with more acceptable, current language;
All disability windshield placards would be issued with a prominently printed and displayed expiration date;
Permanent person with a disability identification cards and placards would be required to be renewed every three years; and
The certification of a medical professional would be required for the issuance and/or renewal of a person with a disability identification card or placard.
“We’ve all walked into a restaurant or grocery store at one time or another and seen high-performance sports cars parked in parking spots reserved for people with disabilities, or watched on a rainy day as an individual parked in a disabled parking spot leapt nimbly from their vehicle and sprinted to their destination,” said Burzichelli (D-Gloucester). “Making these common-sense changes to the law will ensure that we see less of these types of scenarios in the future.”
“Providing tags to access parking dedicated for people with disabilities is a small way to make daily activities a little less challenging for individuals with disabilities and their families,” said Gusciora (D-Mercer). “So when these tags are abused or misused, it can cause a disruption that cascades throughout the person’s whole day. Adding prominent, visible expiration dates to these tags will help eliminate some of the abuse.”
Several states, including Florida, California, Pennsylvania, Oregon and Wisconsin have some or all of these restrictions already in place.
The bill was unanimously approved by the full Assembly in June and now awaits final legislative approval by the full Senate. TLS.
unfortunately this issue of abuse of handicap parking is very common,its really disgusting thing to do,please be more sensitive and park in normal parking spots and walk the few extra ft. and use the abilities that hashem created you with,may we only be healthy
Don’t judge someone who looks “abled” as someone who does not need such a parking spot. I know people who can walk seemingly well, but suffer on and off with pain and deserve such a parking privilege even if it is not apparent.
when i have strength my wife needs to leave the kids at home and now drive me to shul as the handicapped spot with the added blue striped spot are usually taken by 2 vehicles that are neither ADA tagged.
When i complained to much to those who were illegally parken,(as this happens on a daily bases) the gabboim nicely warned me that it was not welcome.
unfortunately the times i have strength to drive and acheive some independence to drive to shul, a bais medrash or a local store is taken away by careless or ignorant individuals. Sadly these individuals are more than a few.
For this reason its unusual for me to daven with a minyan. Why try.
And to #2 you are 100% correct. Some people can look 100% perfect but they are not. If they have an official permanent tag or plate they needed to get it via a dr prescription and meet the rules. Its PROOF.
great idea!
I come from a state where no one is issued a parking permit without the doctor submitting a detailed explanation. It is also possible to obtain a temporary permit, say afterhip surgery. It is a different color. Also, as obnoxious as it is , people take advantage of the permit when driving someone else’s car. I also love when someone says I was only inside for a minute. Is the diabled person supposed to know that? Or is s/he supposed to wait around hoping that the (no disability, no permit) returns? I wonder what halacha says about this problem.
they should tow the car and impound it if illegally parked in a Handi cap spot
I had three toes amputated and spent MONTHS in rehab learning how to walk without an aparent limp. If I walk over uneven pavement and injure that foot I will be set back months if not years. Please show me where it says in the application for the permit that I must explain my medical condition to anyone that decides I don’t appear “disabled” enough to “deserve” a permit.
I suffer from Periphial Artery Disease as well as a serious heart condition and Bladder Cancer. Everyone tells me how good I look. If you saw the scars running from my ankles to my neck and knew the pain I have with each step, you wouldn’t think I looked so good. However, those who abuse handicapped parking should be ashamed of themselves. I would like to see the police spend one hour per week enforcing the parking rules. They do it in Florida.