Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov! The staff at TLS would like to wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov to R’ Yaakov Wenger of the Lakewood Shopper, upon the birth of his son yesterday. May you continue to have much Nachas from all of your family.

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  1. Wow!! Mazel tov!! May you and your wife have much nachas from all you children! For those that don’t know R’ Yaakov is from the formost and respected asken in Lakewood and beyond. Mazel tov!!

  2. Mazel tov!R’ yankel is a friend of everybody. Nothing is to small or to big for him to offer his assistance. From pidyon shevuyim to taking care of the ill, for r’yankel its all in a days work

  3. Mazal Tov to R’ Yankel and his Eishes Chayil Esti! May Hakadosh Baruch bench you with nachas from your beautiful kinderlach! R’ Yankel’s care for each individual is unique! He will take upon himself to help a yachid and go beyond the “extra mile”. The word “I can’t” is not part of his vocabulary… R’ Yankel – the challenges you take upon yourself for others is truly outstanding and I don’t know if there is anyone in this tremendous town that comes close to your actions! Keep it up.. the tzibbur NEEDS YOU!!!! Mazal tov again and Good Shabbos!… see you at the shalom zachor iyH!

  4. My best wishes to the Wenger family. Jack is well known as a upstanding community leader with a heart bigger then words can describe. Congratulations!!!

  5. No one will ever know many of the things you do for people. You are a great support to people big and small and you never allow anyone to thank you for what you do.
    May Hkb”h give you koach and chizuk to keep going and may you only see nachas from your new son and all your other children!

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