Mazal Tov! Rav Vozner’s Handicapped Granddaughter is a Kallah (VIDEO)

image[COMMUNICATED] Yitta Miriam, 26, is one of the ten siblings. She is one of Rav Vozner’s granddaughters and has much perseverance and Emunah. Like any birth of a child, her arrival brought joy and light into the world. However these were not regular circumstances. Born in the 5th month of pregnancy, one of Yitta Miriam’s arms and both of her legs were paralyzed. Over the years she and her family have tried many different treatments but none have been effective. To this day she is wheelchair-bound.

However, in the face of this adversity, Yitta Miriam has remained strong, making a life for herself and working in the Jerusalem city municipality. The thing that she has continually yearned for is the chance to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel and to begin a family of her own. Family and friends say that her siddur’s pages are blurred and wrinkled from years of her tears, davening for her bashert.

Baruch Hashem, Yitta Miriam met her zivug and is engaged to be married in Yerushalayim. Her chosson, an orphan, is not disabled. He has committed to being her partner in life and helping her to get through daily life.

However, with the price of medical treatments and many children on one side and no parents on the other, their finances are extremely modest. Between a stipend from the Israeli government and a special foundation set up by Kupat Ha’ir in Yitta Miriam’s name, the chosson and kallah have begun to prepare. But with only months to go, they have nowhere to go home to after the wedding.


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  1. Did you really just use that heading to describe a person?!?

    “Handicapped” is that what shes worth? I find it disgusting and reprehensible that a jewish website can degrade a person like that. apology severly needed here.

  2. To “stats”:

    I’m not saying whether this is wrong or right; However the purpose of the posting was to steer people to a fund raising website to help raise funds for this kallah. There’s a link to a video of her talking to the viewers. I’m assuming it’s an effective way to assist the fundraising effort for her.

    Having said that, the fact that you were so bothered by the headline (and I’m assuming you’re not the only one) definitely should give the editors pause as to whether or not this was the correct way to lead the story. Perhaps a headline such as “Rav Vosner’s Grandaughter is a Kallah -Mazel Tov! Please See Video to See How You Can Help”, would be a more appropriate headline.

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