Mayor’s Office Receives Dozens Of Calls For Burnt Out Street Lights – About 25 Volunteers Already Confirmed For ‘Lights On’ Project

Since the Mayor’s announcement about the ‘Lights On’ project to take place this Sunday evening, dozens have already called in to volunteer, and to report the burnt out street lights in town, Mayor Menashe Miller tells TLS. Miller says the ‘POLE’ phone number designated to report burnt out lights has already received about 25 phone calls, andĀ about 25 residents have already volunteered to assist in Sunday night’s project.

The project was announced during the last Committee meeting, where the Mayor vowed to have all the street lights turned on in town before his term is up.

The Mayor says he hopes to have between 60-70 volunteers to canvass the town to report the burnt out lights. With that amount of volunteers, it would take approximately 15-20 minutes for each volunteer to complete his designated ‘zone’.

Those interested in volunteering their time for this project, are asked to meet up at the Municipal Auditorium (Town Hall) at 7:00 PM Sunday night. Flashlights, clipboards and Safety Reflective Belts will be provided. Drivers as well as non-drivers are welcome. Non-drivers will be paired up with those who have vehicles.

To report a burnt out light, you can callĀ 732-364-2500, and enter the numbers corresponding to the letters POLE (7653) and you will be directed to the proper department. TLS.

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  1. I have to say, that driving around Lakewood at night has become a nightmare. New central, miller, and all of those side streets are basically dark, Kol hakavod, to getting this problem solved

  2. Thank you Ace 59 for all your help. Could not have put this together in such a short amount of time with out your tireless effort for the K’lal.
    Yasher Koach.

  3. Before I ask anything I would like to thank all those who put this together and all whom are going to help out with this wounderful cause. Thx

    But why is it that the homeowners, tax payers are fighting and doing jobs of other. I as a store owner in the town lkwd , paying my taxes should not have to go around and do this. This is what we pay JCP&L for.
    Can someone please help me understand it ?


  4. i spoke to ace and saw him preparing for this event for many days now. hes done such great work and youll see it on sunday.
    because of ace and mayor miller and all the peaple who go out to help on sunday this town will be much brighter and safer for pedestrians and drivers.
    good luck

  5. can we get the same effort into fixing potholes ? we cant comtrol jcpl but we do control public works.. we need to fix the pot holes before the winter starts

  6. To #8
    JCP&L is not responsible to check for outages. They are responsible to repair them if they are reported. It seems like the Mayor just got fed up with JCP&L saying they don’t have a report of outages so he devised this project to canvass the entire town in one swoop- brilliant idea!

  7. I gotta hand it to the Mayor, I am very impressed with this innitiative. This is the way to get stuff done. Pick an important issue and include everyone in resolving the issue. This is an important issue and a great way of resolving it.

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