Mayor Steven Langert will be appearing as a guest on Radio Show 1160 WOBM AM tomorrow, TLS has learned. The show will begin at 6:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., during which the Mayor will be discussing general Lakewood issues. Ask The Governor, will be at 7:00 p.m. To call in with your questions, you can call 732-364-5830.
Mayor Steven Langert To Appear On 1160 WOBM AM

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I would ask: Isn’t July 4th Independence Day and not the 1st?? If Erev Pesach would come out on Sunday would you say that everyone should burn the Chametz on Friday because you will need extra firemen on a weekend which will cost the township more money???
No because the fire department is volunteer so it wont cost extra money!
If they scheduled “chometz burning” on a different day, no one would come. If the same were true re: the firsworks display, I’d be all for leaving it on the 4th despite the increased cost. As it stands, people will happily attend no matter when it’s scheduled.
Costs vs provision of services have to balanced. In the “chometz burning” example, there can be no provision of services without the increased cost. Regarding fireworks, an alternative exists to provide the service at a lower cost – the township’s obligation is to pursue the cost savings.
We should ask the mayor about the fact that the average annual increase in taxes over the last 10 years was 7.6% that is second highest in ocean county And fourth highest in ocean and monmouth counties. It is true that thus year there was no increase but more needs to be done to lower the rates to.bring them in line with the rest of the jersey shore.
Another question mayor langert and senator singer have signed on as being pro the 2.5 percent hard cap on property taxes. So why at last township meeting did the committee vote to bank this years tax increase. That means that next year they have the right to increase taxes 8 percent four from this year and four from next year. Something that is not allowed under the governors proposal